Sunday Morning Treat For My Buddies

Last Update: October 23, 2010

This is an amazingly beautiful video. A great way to start the weekend. Hope you like it. J.

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WRI Premium
Wow Joan! That was breath taking. Circa del Sole in classical form .My God what discipline that had to take, and such beauty, I guess China can teach us quite a bit about what seems to have forgotten, I always loved the arts and entertainment. Especially with true form and grace.

Thanks for sharing!

Stavfel Premium
Is there no bones in her body? Very graceful dance. I was waiting for something to snap though ;-)
Fallulah Premium
Nothing short of stunning Joan. I love the balet but this was an entirelydifferent league ... gave me goosebumps!
Labman_1 Premium
That is just amazing. I did a little water ballet in high school and have direct experience with how difficult is is to bench press a human. Much less a toe stand on a tricep. OMG those people are just amazing.
famousplumber Premium
Thank you, Joan. I'm fortunate enought to have two beautiful 22 year old daughters who have been in dance sine they were four. I witnessed the thousands of hours they practiced and toiled at their craft. They are athletes with charm and beauty. It was a very nice start to my Sunday!