This Will Blow Your Mind

Last Update: February 28, 2011


Is it for real? You gotta see this. The future has arrived, and I'm not sure I'm ready. May as well bring it on. Something to accessorize Pete's work station.


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Angelo0222 Premium
At the end, this is the kind of life I am planning to have...
phildeeze Premium
Well I consider myself to be tech savvy but all of that would make my head spin. I like my gadgets, but there are some things I like to keep simple. It is simply amazing how far technology has come and it seems that lately they are really trying to push the boundries.
Brownie54 Premium
Geesh that technology is way beyond me. I do not even own a cellphone!
Labman_1 Premium
I'm thinking were gonna need a couple more years of IM to be able to afford that house.
NEA03 Premium
Holy crap. Some of the comments made me laugh, like this one; "What if I'm taking a shower, and all of a sudden someone appears on the? wall?" hahhaha that was too funny! Thanks for sharing this.