Posts by KemanS 22
December 29, 2009
OK, I have two blogs. They both were doing well for their age (one about a month ... the other 3 weeks) and I just checked the search ranking of the one and it was gone! It was on page two the second from the has been hovering around this page for a couple of weeks. is way back on page 16!!!! what in the world happened???  If anyone reading this can answer this question for me...please do.   I was using original content and only got 1 or 2 links a day...
1 comment
December 05, 2009
OK, I am back to post in here after being away for a long time. Life just got hard is all I can say. Lost my father to mesothelimoma and emphasyma. I have enrolled in a new course and learned a lot. I have two websites up and they are getting traffic now. They are WordPress and it focuses on SEO. Took me a long time to put the sites up but that will get faster as time goes by and I do it more often.  I learned so much! Wow! I have my affiliate links cloaked in the sites beca