Posts by KemanS 22
February 04, 2010
I have some good news to share!  First, a little background so you know what is going on.  A few months ago I was in my chiropractors office for my monthly adjustment. We got to talking about my IM and he told me about his software he is selling. Then asked me for some advice on how to promote it. I gave him a few ideas and ... we ended up with a handshake deal. Where I would help market his software for him for a commission. Well, due to the economic conditions of the country and the
Hey there y'all!!  I have found some high paying affiliate programs that I wanted to share with you people. Whoever may read my blog posts.  I have posted the link in the side bar over there ============>  I am posting a link here too, it is from Market Health.  Use that link and go check them out, you will see that they pay quite well.  Or just ........CLICK HERE!  There two links for you to check them out. Out for now,  Kevin   
January 21, 2010
I had a few thoughts I thought I would share.  They were on the similarities between gardening and IM, most specifically using WP blog mini-sites.  In both it takes extensive preparation before hand, and during the process.  Preparing the ground, researching, what is the best seeds for your area, what keywords have the best searches with the least amount of competition, which ones will bring you the best return on investment.  Then, you cannot just let either one of them just
January 17, 2010
Yes, I learned something else last night during the making of another WP blog. I had the FTP software fired up and was uploading some new themes that are optimized for better performance.  Well, to make a long story short, due to some technical difficulties I learned that WP has an option in there where you can take any zip file and download it directly to it from your computer...without needing special FTP software.  They have this for the themes and the plug-ins. Like if you wish to
January 12, 2010
Hey there! I just learned something new while using some new software I just got. I wanted to make a pdf document from an eBook I just created.  So, I uploaded the ebook into Google Docs and then Exported it as a pdf back to my computer! Very cool indeed!!! Now most of you probably already know all about this, but it was very cool for me to learn.  Well, just had a little break, time to get to work again.  Kevin 
January 11, 2010
I have good news! I just checked the one site that google had booted way down into the caverns of internet hell. It turns out that site is now up on page 3!   Wahoo!!   I know it may not be there for long and will most likely bounce around like those superballs we had as kids. But, I will enjoy this spot for now, even if it is only page 3. That is better than page 4 and way better than down in the dark, damp, internet caverns of google.  Thank you to all of you who help
January 10, 2010
OK, as is typical for me.I learned something the hardway that if I would have just went a little further in theWordPress course I am in, I would have gotten the answer. I found out that to add a video to a WP blog post, all one has to do is click the tab at the top of the posting area that says ...HTML.... and put your cursor where you want the video. Copy and Paste the URL into place and ... boom. it's in there.  But, it's nice to know the longer way also.    
December 31, 2009
If any one is interested and reading this. I have included in my profile two links. One is to a keyword tool that is just AWESOME! The second one is to a WordPress Blog course that is the most indepth one that is proven to work you will ever find.  If you want to launch a site using wordpress, hey I fully recommend this course. It is fully worth the investment and is so complete that you are not left in the dark about anything. He has videos showing you what to do every step of the way.
1 comment
December 30, 2009
OK, that blog is completely gone now, it is way off lost in cyberspace somewhere I guess. I seen a couple of my articles from that site still listed, so that is a good thing, but they are way way page 17 or worse. I was told this is normal and it will be back. Still sucks though.  There is good news, I am still getting traffic. Plus, I dugg both sites and that put a listing up there via which is kinda cool. I hope it comes back up soon, I worked hard on that site. 
December 30, 2009
Ok, I posted a question in the forum about my blog falling problem. I come to find out that it is completely normal. The person kind enough to answer told me theirs has dropped off the earth but it came back days later. They said this happens when the competition is sfiff.  So that makes me feel better. Kind of frustrating that Google changes their algorithms around so often and messes with us like that.  In response to magistudios here is the url of that blog:  http://www.reliabl