Posts by Lisawells 15
August 07, 2012
Just taking stock - I love this blog because it's mine and because I can use it to keep track of where I am and where I have been - it helps me understand whether I've progressed and, if not, what's been going on that I'm allowing to deter me.True, I haven't written an article for quite a while. I do think keeping on writing is super important and especially for an authority site - though I think articles and writing are a strong tool in all areas. The emotional reaction
July 30, 2012
I remember back in February or March of this year when I was first checking out what Internet Marketing entailed - I listened to a training on pay-per-click marketing and throughout the whole video I thought the presenter was saying "paper clip marketing". Don't laugh - or maybe DO laugh as I am - I actually Googled "Paper Clip Marketing". Just to remind myself I have come a long way from that point in these past months and I am sure others can remember similar humorous experiences! So
July 28, 2012
As a means to raise my spirits and inspire and motivate myself, I have been reading blogs on WA and getting to know our many members. I am seriously impressed by the multitude of talents, interests and skills represented here at WA. Such a variety of interests, and I have seen such skill in representing those interests in websites and blogs. It does truly inspire me and show me that it is possible if one follows true passions, does the work, and learns the skills that success in the world of
Today is my first day of being able to walk and sit again for any amount of time. That was really a long haul. Thanks everyone for your suggestions and support. I wasn't even able to read email and so have spent literally hours today sorting through everything and cleaning up my e-mails and all. During my down time, I decided which things to focus on and which to let go. WA is going to be my only focus - any projects I have been working on elsewhere I will either abandon or transfer to
July 09, 2012
Have been down with back pain for almost a week - can just barely sit for more than 15 mins at this point, but thought my e-mail would be huge by now, so wanted to clear it. Maybe I'll try my laptop lying down, but it's hard to focus past the pain. A few more days and perhaps I'll be able to sit and focus again, certainly hope so. Have been trying to jot down any ideas I get so I won't lose them. Did some article outlines but in no shape to write them. Enough for now, will t
July 05, 2012
There have been a few things I've wanted to do on my website for a while - today I accomplished them! It seemed natural to do a bit of research on what I wanted, see how to do it, and then carry it out. That is definitely progress for me - no struggle.Have also been (slowly) working on getting through the 30 day training; definitely not in 30 days. But I'm on Day 17 now, having done all those parts of the training I can and wanted to do. Maybe for me it will be a 60 day training cour
June 27, 2012
Sometime during the few half-awake minutes before getting up this morning, a light bulb went on about adding images to my sidebar - something I had not been able to figure out how to do. It was simply to look for a You Tube tutorial about it so I could see it done. There was a 3 minute video that showed exactly what I needed and I now have been able to put banners in my sidebar. It's very exciting to have done it, it was so easy! And I drove myself crazy with reading about it - I totally for
June 26, 2012
I've spent a couple of days away from the computer and out working in the garden. It is so refreshing and healing for me - all the stress just falls away! Plus my garden looks great just now.....It's finally acting like summer here after about a week of dark, windy, and very cold days. After all, it's the end of June - it should be summer! But this climate is so unpredictable, you never can tell how it will be from year to year.Anyway, my energy is recharged now and I feel like I
Day 11 challenged me because I wanted to put banners in the sidebar. I followed a training on this, but it seemed too complicated for my skills, so I downloaded a suggested sidebar widget, which was easy. But then I couldn't figure out what to fill in on the widget, and so got intimidated and backed off of the idea. Actually that wasn't part of Day 11 training, but it was an idea I wanted to pursue and I still want to make my website look the way I want it to, so I have to go back and
June 09, 2012
I was feeling so discouraged that the recent snow damaged so many of the seedlings I had coming along in the garden that I actually researched and have partly completed an article about discouragement (sort of) using the recent gardening disappointment as my background. I guess it hit me hard because I actually NEED the garden to produce food at this time in my financial life. But the best medicine for me is always to just get outside in nature and the garden, so I spent the day weeding, transp
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