Seriously impressed!

Last Update: July 28, 2012
As a means to raise my spirits and inspire and motivate myself, I have been reading blogs on WA and getting to know our many members. I am seriously impressed by the multitude of talents, interests and skills represented here at WA. Such a variety of interests, and I have seen such skill in representing those interests in websites and blogs. It does truly inspire me and show me that it is possible if one follows true passions, does the work, and learns the skills that success in the world of IM is doable for each of us. Thank you everyone for your sharing and showing.

I have been frozen for awhile not just by physical pain from the back injury challenges, but by my deplorable and fairly desperate financial situation. I have seemed to run into a wall with each thing I try to ease the situation or aid my income - even to the point of having to cringe and request a loan from a family member who, alas, could not help. Each day it gets worse and I truly don't know what is going to happen. AND, I realize my challenges are minor compared to those in the world who do not have food to eat even once a day, a community food bank to go to or a concerned church congregation to turn to, who live in a state of terror and war, and so much worse. However, I am fairly afraid and feel very alone with these financial challenges to the point I can't think or act to forward my IM endeavors. I seem to miss getting any sort of community or government aid by just a small amount - my income being slightly above poverty level - that makes me laugh, sometimes. I did go the route of Payday loans which collapsed my finances even further - I can only say, never go that route friends -- if you think your current situation is bad, that will only make it worse!

Well I apologize for putting all this down - it is what's truly happening for me and has put up a roadblock to my IM progress. If anyone has suggestions about controlling the fear and emotions (and depression) brought on by such a situation, I would love to hear it. Or just an encouraging story on how you got through it somehow. There is a part of me that is outside of it all and knows it will pass and a way will be made, but that part does not always surface when the fear takes over.
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lisawells Premium
Thanks for the comfort and comments; somehow just getting it out to other humans (not just my private journal) helped relieve some of the anxiety I've been feeling. I have been researching all evening, trying to take some positive steps and following up on suggestions. I did laugh a little, Shawn, cause sometimes when I really panic I picture me, my two dogs and six cats living in my Subaru in some pine forest around here in the long snowy season......and coincidentally, I just got an inquiry today out of the blue from a transcription company that had once head-hunted me and also got a test invitation from elance. Is that coincidence or providence?
Shawn Martin Premium
I am a believer in expressing where you are at. Having lived a lifestyle of at one time living in a stone quarry in my car to flying around the world in jets to far away countries, all I can say is it is all temporary. We are where we are for a reason, and for the lessons associated with it. I too have been driven once again to the edge of loosing everything due to injury and inability to work a real job, so I hear your cry. But at the same time as trauma strikes, if it had not I would not be here. I like to think of this as my future,and if I hang in there long enough I will do just fine and you will too. Turn the fear into commitment! Like AvengerGT said, there are ways of making immediate money on this machine. Do some real research and you will find it. If you need help PM me and I will dig up some links for you. I have a pile of them stashed someplace. Hope this helps, I guess I am just saying you are not alone.
AvengerGT Premium
A way to make a little extra income is on or do transcription from home via services like elance. If you are good at writing there are services that pay to have articles written. Good luck
Ty Johnson Premium
I think product review are a pretty easy way to get a little income going, I find it to be much easier than authority sites...Go to the Wabinar section of WA an type in live case study, there is a 3 part WAbinar on how to do it.

You can even do it in a Squidoo lens for free if you can't afford a domain name, maybe you can do 3 - 5 product reviews on there and see what happens.

I know how depressing it is to be flat broke, I have been there myself, I also do have an encouraging story if you would like to read it. I wrote it not to long ago, maybe it will lift your spirits a little bit so you can make your product reviews or whatever you decide to do with a positive frame of mind. sorry to use the affiliate link but the other link is just redirecting to my main blog page for some reason
lisawells Premium
Thank you so much. Your post was very helpful.
Ty Johnson Premium
Please let me know if I can help in any way
Linda Fedun Premium
Hi Lisa. I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties. ti is hard to look ahead, when you're struggling with day to day. I know you will come through, you're a fighter. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
lisawells Premium
Thanks, Linda!