Mental Health Day today!

Last Update: June 09, 2012
I was feeling so discouraged that the recent snow damaged so many of the seedlings I had coming along in the garden that I actually researched and have partly completed an article about discouragement (sort of) using the recent gardening disappointment as my background. I guess it hit me hard because I actually NEED the garden to produce food at this time in my financial life.

But the best medicine for me is always to just get outside in nature and the garden, so I spent the day weeding, transplanting, and creating a new bed -- came inside tonight feeling so much better!! I have a busy day tomorrow, so will probably not get much done on my website this weekend, but am hoping to finish and publish the article at least.
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Linda Fedun Premium
Feeling the same way myself Lisa. I haven't progressed at all in the last few days, I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things tomorrow. I'm getting a little one on one computer coaching tomorrow so maybe I'll feel a little less overwhelmed.