a fresh outlook!

Last Update: June 26, 2012
I've spent a couple of days away from the computer and out working in the garden. It is so refreshing and healing for me - all the stress just falls away! Plus my garden looks great just now.....It's finally acting like summer here after about a week of dark, windy, and very cold days. After all, it's the end of June - it should be summer! But this climate is so unpredictable, you never can tell how it will be from year to year.

Anyway, my energy is recharged now and I feel like I can handle WA's step-by-step challenges. It had just gotten a little overwhelming for a bit, but it's amazing what a renewed mental attitude can do. So that said, I'm going to go and start working right now. I do really enjoy this community and also the Street Articles group. And maybe someday I'll actually have a website that adds to my financial well-being too.
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Labman_1 Premium
Most people say that weeding a garden sucks. I appreciate getting down and dirty and making the right things grow. It is definitely recharging. Something about the energy of the earth that just makes you go Ahhhh.
Linda Fedun Premium
Good for you Lisa. I find I have to do that too, if I go go go at I get overwhelmed. It's good to take a break now and then.
Shawn Martin Premium
That sounds like it is exactly the proper medicine you needed. Sometimes we need to just step back and let it soak in.