Where am I?

Last Update: August 07, 2012
Just taking stock - I love this blog because it's mine and because I can use it to keep track of where I am and where I have been - it helps me understand whether I've progressed and, if not, what's been going on that I'm allowing to deter me.

True, I haven't written an article for quite a while. I do think keeping on writing is super important and especially for an authority site - though I think articles and writing are a strong tool in all areas. The emotional reaction I'm struggling with over finances (i.e. panic) does affect my ability to focus and produce. On the other hand, it has fostered lots of (desperate) ideas and lots of notes on Google Drive for possible articles, ideas for income streams, and etc. And lots of reading of others' ideas, blogs, articles.

I do have a current online service business idea - something I love to do that comes naturally and that I see a need for. I have put lots of ideas on Drive regarding this--to be pulled into a business plan and ultimately one hopeful stream of income.

I've gone through all the ideas/suggestions WA friends have given me and made some beginnings at some more immediate income stream ideas. It's slow going, but each day I make myself do at least one something toward one business idea.

The garden requires a minimum of two hours a day just to keep the status quo. An uplifting aspect is that every day someone walks or drives by and takes the time to say how much they love my gardens, or to ask for advice and/or how to do this or that. I've realized I need to mention my gardening website to people I speak with--or have a card or something-- I'm missing chances for traffic by not remembering to do that.

I need to take a "gardening week" and a "home improvement week" to do some really necessary things around home. I think the rest of this week will be my home improvement week - I need to paint the kitchen and do some upgrades - the paint and upgrades have been sitting around for almost a year - since it's blazing hot outside, this is a good time to stay inside with the air-conditioning and do this project finally--I know I'll be so pleased with it once it's done! It's all the prep cleaning that gets to me, but I'm going to have to tough that out!

So I feel okay about where I am - a little impatient with myself about not writing articles right now, but okay in that I think the processes and progress are simmering, at least. Obviously getting some of the more immediate income streams going is a prerogative!

I really appreciate WA so much. All the ideas and training and the willingness of everybody to pitch in and share and comment - it's really the best thing ever I've done/experienced online!
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Deezdz Premium
I often beat up on myself for not accomplishing everything on my list(s). My gardens are also time consuming but rather than spend my time gardening and worrying about what else I could/should be doing, I really try to stay in my present moment and enjoy. Sounds like you have a lot of things on the go and are developing a lot of great ideas. Enjoy the process and be kind to yourself ;)
Renni Premium
Hi Lisa! I love a beautiful garden. You are so right about those business cards. You mention a couple of passions in this blog that you could make your niche(s). Gardening and Home Improvement are BIG!