I just did the second article!

Last Update: May 29, 2012
I really had a bit of trouble getting inspired for the second article - but it was just a matter of deciding on which of many ideas to develop. Once I decided, it was lots of fun, since I love talking about gardening and there is so much to talk about - interesting at least to other gardeners I hope. I'm anxious to keep moving forward! My blog isn't really ready to be viewed yet - there are still admin things to do but I haven't (I guess) gotten to that part of the training, so when someone goes to it, it is still very unfinished. I hope to get to that part of instruction soon!
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Stacydee Premium
Deezdz, I just hung up my tomatoes last weekend, I use the upside down system. It works really well.
lisawells Premium
Thanks everyone for your encouraging comments - it's fun and great being followed and having people encourage and take an interest - WA is such a wonderful community. Hope I can be of help to you all some day too!
Stacydee Premium
Yw, WA is terrific and you will help many people along the way. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll be able to help someone. Glad to have you here.
Deezdz Premium
Congrats on your second article! Like Stacy, I love gardening also. I'm heading out to plant some tomatoes now!
Stacydee Premium
Great job on the article writing, it gets a little easier and faster each time you do it. Make sure to ask for help with your site if you need it. Glad to meet another gardener!
Sielke Premium
Articles about your passion are definitely fun to write. Its great that you picked something that was what you wanted to do, you'll have a much easier time just because of that fact.