Progress blog

Last Update: May 26, 2012
It's way beyond time, but I'm finally writing my first article. Life gets so crazy sometimes and I've been distracted with survival issues, preparing my garden, et al. We have just had some very cold weather and a combination of snow/hail - what do you call it when it's like styrofoam pellets? Anyway, had to protect all my tiny vegetable seedlings and spent lots of times outside. Also had a three day yard sale. All of this has slowed my progress, but I've spent lots of time today re-figuring out how to work with my Word Press pages and progressing to Day 5 of the training. Feel like I should be close to day 30 by now, but NOT. I'll be very happy to see myself progress and actually publish my blog. NOW, I am going to write an article!

By the way, even though I did get help from Linda on how to post to my blog, I still couldn't figure out what to do, so I made this post a new blog. Why is this so hard for me!! Maybe that's the way to do it, who knows....?
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BIS Premium
Normal life does tend to get in the way - and it's not a race - so don't worry where you are. The fact is that you've made progress and you will continue to make progress and if you have any questions make sure you ask them in the Live Chat. Good luck
Sielke Premium
I don't know much about snow or hail, we don't get much here in Hawaii, but I'm glad you had fun writing because success in this world depends on it.
lisawells Premium
Yay, I submitted my first article to Street Articles and it's in pending! Just got to keep plugging along and it does happen, I have to remember that. I had fun writing and am looking forward to writing tomorrow's article too, but since it's close to midnight and I have an early morning on Sunday, I'd better stop and go to bed now!