Posts by Magistudio 244
Happy Monday Fellow Business Owners! Have you planned your week yet? If not, I suggest you do it now before the end of the day.  Need an example?  Sure.. no problem Monday: * Write a post * Social Bookmark * Write some email posts for the week Tuesday * Check on SERP's * Promote Monday's Post & Check Comments * Write a Street Article Wednesday * Build A New Webpage * Some KW research for a new niche * Write some more web content Thursday * Check Conversions and make changes based
Hey Folks, Last week I was in Las Vegas with Kyle, Carson, Eddy, Jennifer, Travis, Cian, Marcus & Ryan at the 2011 WA Super Affiliate Conference. Needless to say, it was an amazing experience. Now, while in Vegas - I did some pretty crazy things and some of which I am willing to reveal.. Here are the Top 3 1. I Danced with the Jabbawockeez in a Vegas Show The Jabbawockeez are the latest edition to the run of Vegas shows and I had a chance to attend a performance.  During the show, one o
Hello from Vegas!I made you a quick video about what's been happening in Vegas.. :)
February 05, 2011
Hey Folks, Just thought I would post the mindmap that was created during the LinkWheel WAbinar. If you have any questions be sure to ask in the forum thread.   If this is too tiny for you to see, I have a larger version here. So are YOU going to build a LinkWheel? Share your thoughts below.  
Hey Folks, Have you noticed your site rankings drop or increase dramatically recently? This may be due to the recent change in Google's Algorithm whereas they are trying to fight elements such as content spam, article spinning & autoblogs. Here's what Matt Cutts posted on his blog: "I just wanted to give a quick update on one thing I mentioned in my search engine spam post. My post mentioned that “we’re evaluating multiple changes that should help drive spam levels even lower, inclu
Hey Fellow Netpreneurs!! First off.. I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to come by and hang out with me during a live WAbinar event. Some of you have even got up in the middle of the night to watch! Now THAT is taking action! Now, I understand that it's hard to fit in these live training events into your daily life schedule.. So if you had the perfect day and time, what would it be? I created a quick form so you can have your say and let me know your perfect day & time. Click h
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"What to do with those old domains or websites you never took action with.." I have a happy trigger when it comes to buying domains.. I'd have good intentions with building an awesome site for those domains, but sometimes it doesn't pan out. So what happens to these old domains? Well, they used to just sit in my godaddy account and collect virtual dust with an annual fee.. lol But I got smart and learned about site & domain flipping.. And that is what this week's WAbinar is al
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Hey Friends, A Quick PR Definition.. A pagerank (or PR) is measure of importance according to Google. But does a high PR ranking matter on your own site? Unless you're giving away links on your site, then the answer is no. For online marketers, PR is only considered when searching for high quality backlinks.  The higher the PR, the better the backlink. So at the end of the day.. focus on other people's page rank and not your own. Lookin' out for ya!  
Hey Friends.. :) This is one of those post to give you a break and a chuckle.. The home that was used in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off is up for sale for a cool $1,650,000   Here is the listing link: click here How the heck did I find this? Well.. I guess this shows the power of viral marketing because my wife found it on facebook. Umm.. yes, my wife found it and not me because I don't have a FB account and refuse to get one..  :)  
Hey Folks, Just wanted to let you know that I had a peek at Mass Money Makers, the software and what's being offered. You know..the latest fly by night software tool that's been probably emailed to you a billion times today? No need to buy ==> You have everything here at WA. I know it's tempting at times to buy this stuff because the sales letters or videos are very convincing.. but the honest truth is that you have everything that is needed here at WA.  Now stop thinking about buy