One Really Cool Idea I read about Yesterday

Last Update: July 02, 2010

   Quick Note : Fast Start - Real Fast - Try this

Last night I posted a FREE ad on Craigs List to promote the WA Blog/Funnel
Got response this morning.....I was Amazed to say the least !

Here is an idea you might like....seemed good to us...awesome actually

Yesterday we were watching this video with a very long PDF on a cool way some guy is doing his sites and making bucks.  He says.....What do you suppose is happening with Googles zillion pages returned when you google a subject.

Say you google tennis and you get all those pages full of web sites.  Those sites are so far back in the woods that rarely does anyone go take the time and look.  

People tend to look at the first page and the first few sites......then move on.

So this guy suggests in this long drawn out thing...infomercial you might call it....that the real gold mine is in these sites that are all set up....have been worked on for years and got the products, site and all done....BUT it just sits there and the owner of the site lost interest many moons ago.

I stopped and thought about that one.....sounds very correct to me....tons of those abandoned sites still up on line.  Some how these site owners hang on saying to themselves....well I got all this money into the site and it only costs $9 bucks a year to renew the what the heck.

This long story cut short is that he digs around out there in never-never land and finds really cool sites that are all set up and lookin good...with traffic and backlinks and all that stuff goin....but still no traffic...and therefore little or no sales/revenue.

So you dig out a good looking site and check to see if that site with some fixing up can get to the front page and bump out number one ... with some work on your part.

The idea is then to find a good little piece of gold out there, fix the SEO, typo's and things like that....but not to rebuild.  It was compared to flipping a home....just do those that needed carpet and paint....not a big rehab job. 

Just dig out the really nice sites that you like right off and needing just a small amount of tweaking....maybe a days work...nothing more. 

He says that there are literally  thousands and thousands of these nice sites waiting for a new home and new owner that will spruce it up and get it back to work.  So go pick a good one. ... waste no time on mediocre sites.

It was suggested that you should find a site owned by one individual and not a big company.  Maybe a small and pop.

Then their contact info is on the site right.  So call them or email and make an offer to buy the site. Simple as that.  No big deal 'pitch'.  Just say something like.....I need a site like yours and would like to offer you say....$400.00.  See what they say.  Make up a short agreement and move ahead.  Get it all in your name and full rights etc.  A little due diligence was suggested too.

Then if they agree to a price....get it.....polish it up...fix the SEO and typo's etc and put it back up for sale....say for $2,400.00.  Not a bad idea.

Another suggestion is not to just use those sites that re-sell web sites.....skip the web site auctions and.rather find a business or person that has an interest in that type of site and go see them.  You can always go back to the auction sites...but a private local buyer might pay double for many it is relevant to his business.

Run the analysis report using cool and comphrehensive tool that tells you what to do and what the site needs to get it right and back on track.

It was suggested that you keep the site for a few months to get the marketing/monetization done and some revenue coming in and get it up to the first page and in one two or three position.  Then you got something going. 

And It may be bringing in some income each month.  They said that these sites are really not dead-dead....just floundering mostly and getting some income.  Probably right in most cases.

So you make a profit in the end...make some revenue each month while you hold the site and increase the value of the asset having bought it right.

When I finished reading and watching the videos, it seemed they gave me a ton of FREE info to use.  Then they said.... join their system and learn more. 

I figured.....for $997.00 I could figure it out for myself from this point on.

What do you think ?  Please leave a comment if you have time.

 PS....Don't can find the brains here at WAU that will analysis sites you find and fix them for you....probably cheap too. 

So you could do this today....just go hunting around the net. 

*   Pick a subject....say Tennis...

*  Then go out to page 123 or way out there and find some gold....

*  Copy the url and go onto the Forum and find the brainy-folk here at WA and send them a note. 

*  Offer to pay for an hour of their time and get a report back and go from there. 

*  You could even get a partner to buy the site for you and split it with them later when you sell. Just an idea....that's what I will do later today.

I devote one hour a day to the crazy new ideas...makes it fun.  If you are good at analysis ...send me a email and we can get started right


Video by Google

Google Explains how Google Gets Search Results 



 Thanks.... Phil


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reefswimmer Premium
I wonder if you have to get really clever at researching or whatever, to see that you aren't buying a site with liabilities you don't want: slapped, banned, turned away by article directories etc. Buying a pig in a poke kind of thing. Maybe it's just that my skeptical antennae are raised because I don't know enough about the process?
Diane, reefswimmer
1750fish Premium
Thanks phil,your articles you have been writing have been helpful and interesting.Have a good day,Jamie.
WriterGig Premium
What a great idea! Problem is, I have over a dozen sites of my own that I've been neglecting. But once I am caught up, I will look into this idea more. Thank you for the idea!
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes, I am aware of people doing this, also selling domains. Just shows how versatile marketing over the Internet really is. Thanks Phil. All the best to you if you follow this path.
Lee P. Premium
Interesting Phil. I Haven't gone down this path of IM (yet) but will tuck this away for when I do - thanks for the Info!