Posts by Robert2704 29
Who's all been invited to take part in a contest by ezine articles for goodies when you write an article a day for a hundred days and even more for double effort.  Here's a quote from there blog "Yes, the HAHD is still on. If you feel that your quality will be compromised by writing more, then write less. Quality trumps quantity. "  Part of a conversation going on about the diamand status and someone asks about the contest. Which I forgot about as I qualified a while back.
Hey all, After the WA club finished I took a step back from things on Thursday. Really analyzed how I was working.  What did I find out? Was trying to do far too much at once.  It doesn't work. Here's what does Organization and Focus. One Thing At A Time I had the ezine articles hooked up for the #HAHD6 challenge because i want the goodies and I thought the WA club was going to include close to writing 100 articles. Turned out I only had 44, So i was short of 56 articles.  That w
This is just a post with regards to the WA club and the teachings of Marcus over the past 30 days.  The guy sure knows his IM and how to promote WA or for a better way of putting it - how to market probably anything online.  For those that haven't joined one of the clubs for whatever reason, the next one that comes up will sure help you out. For the cost of 30 days you get a lifetime worth of knowledge.  So a huge thanks going out to you Marcus for the lessons and the support.&nbs
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February 13, 2011
Hi Guys   Something extraordinary happened today. The website created during the WA Article Marketing Club just took over the keyword search term. #1 and #2 spots taken and right below it there's a + link to show more results for the website and then Google's spitting back 436 results for a site that just started 27 days ago.    If you haven't enrolled in a WA club. Next one that pops along. Jump at it. You won't regret it.    All the best Robert
Did you guys see this Ha, sorry guys, I just noticed the wa spaces page is showing every post I had saved while trying to get this video to work. Makes me look a right twat but anyway -It's working now and hopefully the page on all my buddies WA Spaces doesn't look like gobbled gook for much longer. Apologies for messing up all your nice wa spaces pages.  LOL <iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="390
Hi WA'ers I've recently got engrossed in a book by Robert Cialdini called the power of persuassion. A great read and plenty of funny bits in it. If you like reading and you like marketing with all the lessons in WA, I think you'll like the book. Anywhoos I came in to throw ya all a link to a free PDF that is available on persuassion and it's called the one sentence persuassion report. Funnily enough that one sentence turned into a 13 page pdf. Hows that for marketing. It's a guy called Blair War
Hi all, I've been busy in the WA club and checked my WA spaces to find a LOT of buddy requests. Not been here for a while and checked in to find someone for a bit of advice to be met with 9 buddy requests.  How Proud Am I?  I hope you all haven't waited to long to be added but you are all hooked up now and I apologize for the delay in doing that.  Wasn't being ignorant.  Thanks again for the buddy requests. A heads up. I don't tend to be around the WA spaces very often so it'
1 comment
January 14, 2011
Hi All!  I used to have problems trying to find suitable blogs to comment on for backlinks. Now with Google Alerts It is much easier. In fact some of the content is article syndication that I have on sites like ezine articles that are being published else where. I still get the email from google alerts with the link to where it is and comments are mostly always open.  As the original author of the content I have never had a site turn me down after commenting my gratitude to them. &nbs
I had to write this post as I'm really fired up about this concept as an article marketer. I'm sure you have all heard of spinning. I wasn't a fan of it as it involved taking content already in existence and spinning to reword it to an acceptable uniqueness level. The stuff that can get you suspended if your caught from the like of ezine articles. So I've stayed away from it.  Until now...  The concept that I use is to take the syntax and as I create the article for ezine I put the con