Posts by Robert2704 29
April 05, 2011
Hey Guys, I'm gonna have to swallow my pride on this one. Up until today I've been fairly proud to not have the traditional scam stories most IMers experience at some point in the beginning. I made the mistake and let my guard down. I thought I was clever by outsmarting the so called gurus and seeing through the BS to what was really going on.  I even took 2 - 3 months looking into WA before I paid a measly dollar to have a look.  Now you'd think with a bit of experience under your be
Was bored today so thought I'd nip over to googles blog and see what they're up to.  Turns out they classify themselves as still a young company. They feel the need to throw nearly a billion at a line of defense. They talk about buying patents from a company in bankruptcy. Nortel.  Never heard of them. Something to do with telecommunications or something like that.  Ah...telecommunications...that's a phone I right?  Anyhow. Google wants protection so they don
April 03, 2011
Hey guys, No offence with the title...Know the phrases you come across every now and then that just becomes your new thing to say. Squidoo done that to me.  That's my new phrase for just now anyway. Hey Monkey brain, I'm real immature, I know... Quick question... What do you do when people get hot headed and start swearing at ya online?  Here's what I found you can do...  Fight Back! I'm in a niche just now with a lot of hot heads that like to curse and swear and I've got to figh
1 comment
April 01, 2011
In their PDF about membership levels they have Most Common Reasons for Article Rejection: 1. The most common reason for an article to be rejected is a combination of issues ************************************************* I find that one funny. They use the number 1 reason to describe a combination of issues. Talk about filler content to make up a list of 10.     
I recapped about the stuff I've learned so far about all this IM stuff. Turns out I've learned more than I gave myself credit for.  So being bored with the usual I decided I would do a resource for a change.  It's about setting up wordpress sites from scratch to get a leg up with the SEO.  Didn't look to see how many others there were as it was just something I reckon I know about so put a tutorial together in the WA training center.  It seems pretty basic stuff to me but it
March 22, 2011
Hey guys Got a nippy download. We've got a cat in the house but now there's an even more annoying one.  It's on my computer.  The felix cat meat website. You find yourself going about the usual stuff and this nippy cat jumps about about computer screen. It's nippy but it's funny. Here's the link Don't know it works outside the uk. I just think it's funny. You can drag it up to the top of the screen. Drop it and it gets tired after a while and it
Hey guys,  I'm about to find out if I'm heading towards being the biggest loser in the IM world.  This is my first amazon site I'm building too and no I ain't sharing the product.  Here's why i got the exact keyword domain. No hyphens or extras.   6600 exact searches a month 14500 competition  OCI ==> 96% Lets see if I can't make a sale here :) Product goes for 250 smakeroonies hehehe PS...send PPG some kind words. She's in a rut. A ton of  her sites hav
Sunday for me is research day and I found what looked to be a winner in terms of search traffic and competition. The problem is I researched to find out what the thing meant. I'm a young pup and didn't know what grown ups are doing. I don't want to know any more. I just lost my innocence! If you're into this then no offence but to me it turned my stomach since I was just not long polished a bowl of cereal.  Fired up IAW to find out about what this is and get this returned If my husband wa
Hey guys, I know this is pretty much public but WA is like my office. I follow Tiffany Dow a lot and in the comment section there was a nugget of information that would help me out should I ever provide a service and not get paid. This is just a copy/paste from Tiffanys blog so i can reference it quickly in the future. It may help those that already offer services as well but I just wanted to put it somewhere I can reference in the future. It's not a plugging post but the link is provided at th
Here's a crazy thought. I'm starting to think that maybe an alternative route is to have a unique website of my own that contains only my articles. A simple wordpress site similar to Jennifers (potpiegirls) 2 sites. Categorize the topics and put only my content in there, then I control all the quality and not be relying on article directories.   Anyone else think this is a viable way to go. Street Articles is only got the uniqueness going for it. What's to say we can't do that ourselves on