Posts by Skybound 51
WordPress Express, eh? What a tool. Now we can all make websites till they come out of our ears.  A good thing? Yes and no. Sure it's exactly the kind of tool that makes one part of IM a whole lot easier. But let's not kid ourselves. Making websites is just the beginning. And certainly an entirely different thing from making money. Of course, it's great to have this instant website maker here at WA. Now I have good reason to postpone my decision to cancel my subscription. But let's not for
I never expected to stay with WA more than 3 months. But this is my 9th.  As my blog posts testify, I haven't been here a lot lately. Not because I've given up on IM. Far from it. I've been using other resources. In particular, the same course James (jsides) has done - the ETycoon program. I've also been distracted by my 'regular' job and other things. Bottom line is I still haven't got my act together and I'm still not making more than a few cents from IM. That's OK though. I now have the
The net is a great place to ask for opinion. I've got a thread running that does exactly that: New business venture: please give your opinion I'm seeking views on a product idea my brother is developing. If you haven't already completed the survey and don't mind sparing a few minutes, I'd be real grateful. I'd never set up a survey before. But I was amazed at how easy it is. I used Survey Monkey And it didn't cost me a bean. The data is collected and analysed automatically, making it a breeze t
It's my own fault. I've been busy. Loads going on. But not much coming in. The same old story. But things are changin', I'm sure.  A few landmarks and developments: - my first ever commission from Amazon sales from my first-ever WPAmazon store site -  a new site built from scratch that combines aff products and high CPC Adsense; no revenue yet, but next to no traffic either - started building an outsourcing team through ODesk; have used for writing (not great, but then I am hard to ple
March 03, 2010
Don't you think it's amazing how you can be aware of someone, yet never actually pay attention to them? Then one day, almost by chance, you start getting to know this person. The attraction is instant. You feel the magic. The more you discover, the more you want to know. It's one breathtaking revelation after another. In no time at all, you just can't them out of your mind. You just love everysinglething about them. You want to spend every minute of every day by their side. You want to shout fr
I got a whole bunch of comments on my last featured blog posts and had planned to reply to several of them directly. But I am busy with so many things right now that I don't have the time. So this is just a quick thank you to anyone who was kind enough to make a comment. Rest assured I read every one and I really appreciate you dropping by and taking to trouble to connect with me.  More soon.
I'm juggling several IM projects right now. But one I'm giving some attention to is my WA recruitment drive. Now I'm as wary of the over-enthusiastic sales pitch as the next guy. So when I first heard about WA and the 'famous' forum, I took it with a pinch of sodium chloride. But you know what? Tough as it is to keep the faith in IM when it's all work and no $, it'd be far tougher without the support I get here at WA. And that's going to be a big part of my WA affiliate campaign. I try to thank
February 08, 2010
Unlike others who have found that OWM was just what they needed to crack IM, I'm still struggling to make my first buck from it. I won't go into the reasons here. When I have time and inclination, I'll post the story on my  IM blog. But to sum up, I chose the wrong niche. Twice. So I now have a couple of campaigns that draw from OWM but I have yet to really follow the plan by the book. Much as I think OWM is a sound investment, I do feel it skips over one essential - finding your product. S
Linkwheels, FTS, articles at EZA, articles at AB... Man my head has been spinning this week. Too much info. Too many options. Too much starting one thing before finishing the last. So last night I made a decison. And after sleeping on it, I went ahead. I'm now $47 lighter. I've joined the merry throng of PPG disciples. Yup, I've got me my very own copy of One Week Marketing. In case you're interested, I'm blogging my reasons, reaction and progress right here
January 08, 2010
Let's not get too excited. The keyword is a phone number and there are only 41 results in total. But it sure put a smile on my face when I saw I had 3 SERPs on page 1. Unfortunately I'm not selling anything - just alerting people to the shoddy practices of a UK loans company. I blogged about it before here: The co has since called me on another number (my own fault as I gave them my details twice). This has