Instant websites do not mean instant success.

Last Update: June 25, 2010

WordPress Express, eh? What a tool. Now we can all make websites till they come out of our ears.

 A good thing? Yes and no.

Sure it's exactly the kind of tool that makes one part of IM a whole lot easier.

But let's not kid ourselves. Making websites is just the beginning.

And certainly an entirely different thing from making money.

Of course, it's great to have this instant website maker here at WA.

Now I have good reason to postpone my decision to cancel my subscription.

But let's not forget: if it only takes a minute to create a new website, then the number of websites you are competing with is likely to rise exponentially.

I doubt WordPress Express is the only piece of kit that can churn out websites like sausages. (I've already encountered a few similar ideas.)

That's the trouble with IM. It just doesn't stand still.

There's always someone somewhere bringing out some newer, faster, better way of making money online.

And you can't help but think that if you don't snap this shiny new thing up yourself that everyone else is going to have the edge over you.

Well, think again.

Yes, it's cool to have WE at WA. It will save time and it will make things easier.

But having 100 sites is no more likely to make you any more $ than having 5 if you're not putting in the graft to get the traffic and deliver the quality content that brings the clicks.

Beware of site overload.

Use the time saved to make more of what you've got rather than to make more and more and more websites.


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simoncowan Premium
I agree, Wordpress Express is great for launching a new site and will save the average person around 1 or 2 hours in installing a WP blog site, activating the plug ins and design. However with so many sites out there with spam like content or very little content with little value to the visitor, it will be hard for them to make money. Content will always win over how many sites you have. Start a site, develop great content, get it to number 1 on Google and then start again with your next site.
Devan Premium
I agree with you 100% but the best thing is it makes it so much simpler for new marketers to get a web site up and running instead of using Site Rubix. Dev
Skybound Premium
Fair comment, Pavol. I agree that WE isn't going to change the balance. That wasn't really what I meant. After all, WA is just one tiny street corner of the IM neighborhood. But what happens here is probably a fairly good measure of what's happening elsewhere. Namely, that as software and technology improves and new innovations come in, creating a site is becoming easier and faster. In turn, this will bring more and more people into the market and ever more sites to compete with. The way to forge success, IMO, is therefore not to see the instant website making machine as the road to riches. Instead, see it as something that helps you put your time to better use. Something that alows you more time to focus on what drives traffic to your sites and then leads to conversions.
Pavol Premium
You can have as many sites, each done in a minute or two, as you own domains. An unlimited hosting for unlimited number of web sites is nothing new, and neither is the one click WP install. So I would not worry that WP express is somehow going to saturate the market. The fast install option has been around for years outside of WA. WA members may step up their web site building, but overall, this is not going to somehow alter the balance (or a lack of it) in the online world. Plus, as you very correctly pointed out, most of the sites will probably never take off in terms of traffic and content. So it's still a fair game for averyone.
ana_nimoss Premium
Very sound comment. I completely agree. Thank you.