Reminder to self: Stay focused!

Last Update: October 12, 2009

Man, it's so easy to get distracted!

Yesterday I spent a load of time reading PPG's suggestions for no-cost IM. I then jumped straight in and checked out a couple of Clickbank products and researched one in detail.

But... what happened to last week's game plan!

Gathering dust already. So... let's remember, one step at a time.

This is what I need to do first:

  • Research the 3 products I chose last week - which are products I am familiar with because I have used them
  • Develop the website content for each of them
  • Write articles for each of them
  • Use techniques I've learned in the last few days to generate traffic
  • Monitor what happens, learn from it and build on it

Lesson of the week: If I try to do too much, I end up doing nothing.


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anthony2791 Premium
Being focus is key ..keep at it ...
Skybound Premium
Hey Joan
Yeah, IMO it's the biggest threat to success for any WA member. Info overload is a killer. I'm sure not gonna let it happen to me. How 'bout you? ;-) Maybe we'd better keep an eye on one another.
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh man, how I understand the distraction thing. To stay focused, I just delete all the lures in my email inbox. It takes all day to read them, and I already have what I need at WA. Guess I'm just nosey. I even feel clearer when I delete all that unimportant stuff. Thanks for strategy.