A Time For Refletion - And a New Leaf!

Last Update: December 22, 2009

I have never really bought into the whole New Year thing.  Sure I'd celebrate with friends and such, but as far as New Year Resolutions went, I just thought of them as empty promises.  That was until WA.

When you find yourself stuck in the monotonous routine like EVERYDAY LIFE, you stop really having things to strive FOR.  What you find yourself doing is simply existing - nothing more, nothing less.  I am guilty as charged...

I have always thought of myself as being a motivated person, but once I found myself in a career and had a family, I stopped really striving.  Sure I got my BA this last week, but that more of a necessity more so than a desire.  It isn't going to do anything for me with my current employer anyway.  I needed to have though - ya know, just in case.

Back in October though, I found WA.  I tooled around with the idea of joining for a good two weeks before I actually did.  I even canceled my membership after the $1 promo was up.  I was just exhausted of trying to make it on the internet.  "It's a pipe dream" I told myself.

Then something happened.  It came to me that nothing WILL EVER BE HANDED TO ME!  PERIOD - END OF DISCUSSION.  How can I say I will never make it if I never really tried.  I read books, spent money, read more, spent more money, but NEVER REALLY TRIED!

Even all these self-proclaimed gurus are trying.  I mean hell, they got my e-mail address right? This is what I mean - why can't it be me?  It can, I was just lazy.  I'm starting to think it's easier raising my kids than it is to make a successful career with internet marketing!!  (kidding of course)

 What I want to do is carry this year out strong.  MORE ARTICLES MIKE!!  Yes I know things are slow, but when they pick up, I want my stuff to be already out there.  I'm tired of letting other folks get my commissions!!

So in closing, I am looking at this New Year a bit differently.  It is now a New Year of opportunity and successes.  It doesn't have to be the same as last year.  I will have three more months of IM knowledge than I did in 2009.  I'm going to apply it and start finally making it.  We are trying to pull out of this God-awful recession.  When we start really pulling out it, I will be positioned to capitalize on it.  Yes, this New Year will be different - it will be special!

Where are you going to be?

So what are your thoughts of the New Year?  Do you really, truly look at the next year as an opportunity versus just another year?  I'm really curious as to your thoughts!



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Cassandra Premium
This new year will definitely be a better year for me. I started with WA in September and I intend to continually learn and execute the lessons that they teach.
1Genius Premium
2010 is a year of taking CONSISTENT and measurable action towards my IM business. Maintenance is the hardest thing to sustain in life hence why most people fail with IM, I refuse to be part of that herd. Merry Christmas
Alex Copeland Premium
I believe everything happens for a reason but I also believe that we need to make our own opportunities in life.. without the chances we can never reap the rewards. We are all guilty of not trying hard enough sometimes, we can kid ourselves we are doing our best but if you were really true to yourself did you REALLY do everything you could have today to get that future you want so badly? You have a great attitude here and I for one look forward to seeing you soar throughout 2010. All the best to you and yours.
idm Premium
It's a good time to make some big evaluations on what we're doing. You're probably right, for most people nothing is handed to them. Would you really want that anyway? The realization that I was going to be responsible for my success was a huge breakthrough for me came at the lowest time in my life. Stay committed and leave no escape routes!