One Plus One Still Equals Two, Right?

Last Update: January 25, 2010

As I rapidly approach my 4th month here at the WA, there are still somethings that remain constant.  Just as one plus one will always equal two, so does internet marketing.

As I become more involved with both the WA and my own internet marketing adventures, the same premise still exists - research and action will result in success.  At the very basic level, you are not going to make any money without applying what you learn as many times as possible until you get it right!

Let's say that you're into article marketing.  If you write two articles to one lens (or another landing page), do you think that those two articles are going to bring the results you want?  NO!

You need as much traffic as possible in order to get some solid, digestible data. 

What worked? 

What didn't work?

Regardless of how long I've been doing this, that just doesn't change.  I've been spending a lot of my time working on a product and my ClickBank account has suffered as a result of it!  This just goes to show that without working at it constantly, you aren't going to be successful.

Sure my CB stats are down, but that's hardly a failure for me.  We're coming to the close of developing our product (Lord willing, it will be live next weekend!) and that is something that I've NEVER envisioned when I started here!

The other day, I took a couple of minutes and read through all of my blogs since I've been here and I (this is going to sound funny...) almost started getting emotional.  The progression from day one until today is just mind-blowing to me! 

It just goes to show that ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING can be done if you TRULY want to make it work.

I'm really excited about our product launch for a few of reasons -

  1. I have a product that is going to have OUR name on it!
  2. I am learning the importance of doing things for YOURSELF instead of relying on other people to make money (I'm referring to my job - I can't rely on that anymore...I need to make things happen for MYSELF)!
  3. I have the opportunity to help others (this is really just as important to me as making money).
  4. I can get back to the basics and get some more winning campaigns out there! 

Regardless of how many products I launch or people that I help, the same concept remains the same -

Keyword research + articles + landing page = SALES!

This is what makes Internet Marketing such a beautiful thing! 

As much as I'm stoked about getting our product out there, I just as excited about getting back to working on my campaigns.  Why?  Because I know the system works!  Regardless of how successful I become, I will never veer away from the very concept that got me here.

Isn't internet marketing wonderful?!


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DenverAffiliate Premium
this is an inspirational story for a newbie to read:) good luck to you!
Slugger_mn Premium
I feel the same way.. I think your a better writer then me.. huh.. Back to the drawing bored.. haha