Why Am I Here?

Last Update: October 24, 2009

Wow, I've been busier than all this week. I mentioned before that I'm on my last semester of school and they sure do save the best for last!  Man it's been rough!  What's even more rough is that I'm still spending quite a bit of time on my IM campaigns.

 While I'm supposed to spend time on my campaigns, I know that I'm neglecting my family too.  It's hard though.  I want to be successful for my kids and wife, but why am I doing it if I'm not enjoying them now?  Anyway, I guess I just need to find my balance.

I've been thinking about it for a couple of days - What drives me?  Of course, I'm driven by monetary rewards!  Now maybe this is bad thing, but I'm not aspiring to make 100's of thousands a year.  What I want is $1500 a month - enough to cover my mortgage.  That's what I want.  I just don't know how long it will take me before I see results.

I look around my office and see all the bad news - collection letters, obnoxious phone calls, etc.  Yes, I'm no different than a lot of folks out there.  The last two years have been a mighty struggle.  I'm management at work and half my salary is bonus. Unfortunately the economy is in the tank and so is my income.  So this is what is driving me.  No longer being dependent on my employer to live.  I'm not saying that I want to quit my job, but I obviously can't depend on a steady stream of income.

For those who are not in the same position I am - 2 little boys, wife, modest cars, mortgage, debt, etc. it is a deadly feeling.  That is not knowing if you are going to have enough money to pay your mortgage next month.  That is what drives me - not living check to check.  Being able to buy my two awesome boys a toy now and then - this is what drives me.

To date, I have created 23 lenses and submitted close to 100 blog posts, articles, etc.  I've utilized PotPie Girl's OWM plan and I'm not sticking to the one week program.  I've cranked out 3 campaigns in a week.  Now this is a TON of work.  I do believe though that I will make this work.  It's a matter of doing.

It's crazy though because I can see myself improving with each lens/article I write.  How things are formatted, the keywords, hot buttons, etc are all getting better.  This just assures me that I CAN DO THIS!

My goal here (my blog that is) is to not hide anything.  I believe that by me writing my thoughts down is somehow alleviating some of my stress.  I too believe that there are other people out there in the same boat and it may be comforting to them to have someone they can relate to.  Inside WA, I can be transparent.

This is what drives me.

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sox1n05 Premium
Thanks so much for the words of reinforcement. I'm still trying to find that fine balance. I just want my family to be comfortable. I know that a family isn't a family when someone is voluntarily not present. That's why today was my sort of "day off"!
Bcarter Premium
I know exactly where you are at right now. I also have bills piling up and such.

Make sure you take out some time to spend with your family. It will give your head a rest and your family will thank you for it. Your boys aren't getting younger and you don't want them to resent the computer and you for the rest of their lives.

idm Premium
Take breaks but never quit. Have some gold and keep at it.