Article Marketing Club Day1

Last Update: October 26, 2010

The next 30 days are going to be a true test to my future in IM. I have already readied the wife and kissed my son. I let them know I may be absent a few days before and after work getting this project moving. 

I am excited to say the least and have nothing but complete trust in Marcus and this project. We will all be better off after the lessons are done  and we are making head way.

Please help to keep me check while all this is going on. I am so involved with so much that I really need to just take a step back and breathe and focus on one project at a time. 

Thanks Jay for all you little pointers! 

Good Luck to everyone and I hope we all become profitable and successful Internet Marketers!

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I'm in the article marketing club too, and share your high hopes. Wishing you lots of success!