Thank You To Everyone!

Last Update: November 06, 2010

Well so, I really appreciate all the congratulations I have received, I honestly was shocked myself when it happened, but guess what yesterday the 5th of Nov. I only made $11 still a profit but hey, you can't always score a touchdown, sometimes fields goals are good too! :-)

 I am learning everyday, and I hope that all the "newbies" here understand that I am still a "newbie" too. I just started Internet Marketing in Feb of this year. It took a lot of persistence and dedication to even make it this far.  I have wanted to take lengthy breaks and/or quit on several occasions because it honestly eats up A LOT  of my free time. 

I joined the 30 day article marketing club and we are on day 12 but I have only made it to about day 6 because I am so busy with my regular job, wife, , my lovely son, plus making time for Internet Marketing. Jay (Magistudio) gave me some really great advice, he told me to buy a dry erase board and put it in my "office" then I could list out the tasks for the day and just do them. He said to try and keep only one tab open on your computer and close the office door, turn off the cell phone and dedicate 1 or 2 hours to working. 

I let my wife know this is my computer time, please give me 1 hour or 2 hours to finish this up. I compromise and it works for me.  I really try to plan my day's right now because I need regimented schedules to keep me on track. 

I am not rich yet nor anywhere close to quitting my day job but if I can make an extra $15 a day that is $450 a month and a huge help in my household, but you know what? If you can make $450 a month why could you not duplicate that and make $900 a month off of another campaign.

Anyways thanks again to all and I hope that my mild success generates a few more stories on here. 



Oh, for all the woman, I live in Alaska here in the US, and my wife frequents a site called, well you know what? This lady is making money from her wordpress site by listing all the new deals and coupons for woman in Alaska and Hawaii, I have tried to get my wife to get here own site but she is not interested in it. She is more of the shopping kind of lady.

Have a great day and thanks again!

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mr.billee Premium
bless u- and your success it inspires me-bill
magistudio Premium
I am so glad and proud that you have taken action with my suggestions!! Contrats on your success so far.. It only goes up from here.