Back on Track!

Last Update: July 07, 2010

Ok, It seems being a new parent can really keep you from getting as much work done as you like. I have had the hardest time getting back to the computer and getting to work, this past week and a half. I had the 4th of July holiday here and needed to spend some time with the family. Today I am back on track. I received my new iMac last night and set it up. Wow, I love not staring down at my laptop anymore and having a big beautiful screen to look at. It is back to writing articles and promoting my offers to get the money rolling in again. I am still making small amounts of money and rolling along ever so slowly, but some money is better than none at all. 

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taku123 Premium
No, Jay we will be there in August only for 2 days on the 25th and the 26th so my time is limited, my wife has us in Vancouver for 4 days, Victoria for 2 and then back to Washington.
magistudio Premium
I know what it's like being a new parent as I have two boys ages 4 & 17 months. My suggestion is to get a white board and write down daily IM tasks.


1) write article
2) social bookmark
3) Blog
4) Ping
5) etc.

By having something written down and in plain view, you are more likely to perform these duties on a regular basis.

P.S. Have you had your Victoria BC vacation yet?
moonvine Premium
Congratulations on that beautiful baby boy! No work is more important than that! for sure (grandma talking!)
Enjoy! and now you can sell all sorts of baby stuff too!