Another $1000 Month! Woo! Hoo!

Last Update: March 02, 2011

Ok, February was another $1000 month for me. It is my first since November but that is ok! I am super excited and am looking forward to another. Every day is a new day and every day gets a little easier. I mean I have come along way since I joined the Wealthy Affiliate last Feb. It has been a year and what a year it has been.

For every one looking to make it online, it is possible. You have to find what works for you. I am still plugging away at my day job but that is ok. I mean $1000 a month extra is awesome! I hope this little post inspires a few people and they can see that there is money to be made. Perseverance, dedication, paitence will make it work. Keep writing, keep blogging, keep posting. It will pay off! Just think 5, 10, years from now you could have an extremely dominate presence on the internet or whatever  technology is out there. Never stop learning and just keep at it.


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Slugger_mn Premium
Awesome! Congrats(:
magistudio Premium
Awesome Job Lee!
Stacydee Premium
Thanks for the inspiration!
jpogrins Premium
Lee... Great post! That's really what all of us need whether we're new or not so new! To hear about a fellow student who is earning a profit... doesn't have to be huge... just a profit goes a long way in gaining the much needed belief needed to hang in there! Way to go, man!
Rod Sanders Premium
Lee, thanks for this very inspirational message and congratulations. You've really motivated me to keep going while working the day job. Hope to join you in the $1000 month club soon!