Tough Going

Last Update: January 07, 2011

First off let me say Happy New Year to everyone. Whew, what a year 2010 was. I cannot believe how far I have come in the Internet Marketing world since February of last year. I am still plugging away trying to make more money and earn my way to freedom from the day job. The holidays really took a toll on me seeing that I was not near as diligent as I was in Oct. and Nov. and it showed in my profits. I went from making over $1000 in Nov. down to only $200 in Dec. The positive is that it was still a profit but not as much as I wanted it to be. I was looking to try and continue to climb every month. Internet Marketing is a tough gig and you really need to be dedicated. I have let myself slip and need to rededicate my time to my campaigns and websites.

The other sad thing is I signed up for the 30 day article marketing club and I was not regimented in completing the tasks that Marcus laid out for us. Jay, I hope I have not let ya down in being lazy these holidays. 

Well anyways I guess what I am saying is my "New Years Resolution" will be to pick up where I left off in Nov. and get moving. Thanks to everyone here in WA, I may not have made alot of comments but I have been "secretly" reading your posts. I look forward to an update here at the end of the month.

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