Laptop charger and battery busted

Last Update: May 30, 2012
Hey everyone,

I haven't been around lately withing WA simply because my laptop charger and battery have decided to go out on me. Unfortunately for me I will have to buy both and which will probably leave me inactive in my work for a week or so as for me there is no point in using the computer downstairs as it is SLOW AS ANYTHING lol.

So that sucks I know after all i've only just started a new niche site :(

Just wanted to let you guys know that I am not running away :P And i will be back soon.

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BIS Premium
Poor you Josh. Know a bit of how you feel - my laptop was busted, my computer has no internet access so I work on a netbook all the time and my new dog ate through the power cable the other day and because the battery needs replacing it died within 5 minutes. Hope you're back soon
jchilders Premium
It happens. :) My hard drive just decided to quit working a couple weeks ago. Luckily I had been working from Google Docs so I didn't lose EVERYTHING, but it does throw you off your game for a bit.

Hopefully you will be back up and running in no time!

Trek-shooter Premium
Thanks for your comment Jon,

Yeah s**t happens tbh I should of known something was up when the battery wouldn't charge looks like i'm gonna have to fork out about £60 at least that could of gone towards petrol for the tank :( lol
