Success quote of the week 18th June 2012

Last Update: June 18, 2012
Hey all,

It's Monday, that means the start of the working week! Well for me but maybe some people start their working week on a Sunday but hey were all different. I picked out this quote because it's exactly what's preached here at WA

"Action is the foundational key to all success."

Action action action. Honestly it is the key and many people here will tell you to take action. Don't wait until tomorrow do it now!


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ThomasPaul Premium
Short and sweet but very true.
veronica.l Premium
The cool thing about taking action is that one thing leads you to another, action will take you places you never been, no action no progress no growing. Take action learn and adjust!
Truer words were never spoken. I believe that even doing something wrong is better than doing nothing. If it's wrong you can always adjust it and move forward
Trek-shooter Premium
Agreed you learn from your mistakes and move on