Success quote of the week!

Last Update: July 11, 2012
This was suppose to be posted up on Monday, however for some odd reason it wouldn't post :S so I am back today to try and get it up once again :)

This quote comes from the great British prime minster Winston Churchill

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm".

Also I just wanted to explain why I have been absence from the WA community for a bit. Well life really has taken over a bit. Helping my mum decorate our house has been on top of that list. It's taking a long time really because we have had to get rid of clutter and free up some space within the house hold.

I have also had to attend some funerals within the past month with friends of the family passing away so been doing a lot of travelling. Also been juggling my part time job with other small jobs I have been doing.

Another thing is my laptop has been damaged so I have to get that sorted out and repaired asap! but I shall be going away to Devon in England in August to visit some family I have down there so hopefully by the time I get back it shall be repaired.

In other news, it looks like my main site has been slapped by the big G, to be honest I thought it was completely fine because I always gave it 100% unique content and hardly did any backlinking as such. But hey better just pick myself up and start again, maybe it's a blessing in disguise as it making me think about pursuing a some niches that I am actually passionate about rather then just picking any old niche.

Anyway enough of my blabbing I hope everyone is all good. I will be hanging about but think I am going to go through some training material and try work on an action plan before I start a new project.


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ThomasPaul Premium
I think someone posted a link somewhere where you can submit your site to google if you think you were doing things legit and your site was adversely affected by the penguin update.

I wish I could remember which post it was, but I can't.
Trek-shooter Premium
I will search for it and let you know if I come across it Thomas thanks for the heads up