Should I change product?

Last Update: June 20, 2012

I don't know if you can see the statistics but yeah 92 hops and no sales. So people are clicking through but not buying. Is this the products fault. Should I change. Anyone know what a good weight loss product is that is good at converting?

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veronica.l Premium
I agree with Jon.
I would say that it is too early to make any changes though, I would not even mess with it until you have like 1000 hops. I would however make sure that it is relevant content with a relevant product. Hope it makes sense :)
Trek-shooter Premium
Thanks John

Yes maybe this is what the point is, my site is directed at weight loss. I have all sorts of information on their from exercise plans to diets etc. I am going to review this straight away
jchilders Premium
Could it be that it's just not the RIGHT traffic? Look at your 'pitch page' from the reader's view. What is it about? If they click that link, what EXACTLY should they be expecting? Is that what the product is?

Example..If your article is giving workout tips and you give them a link to a diet program..they may not be interested. Read you article and think about what mindset the reader would be in, figure out what they would be looking for, and give it to them.

If that's not what the product is, you either need to change products or change your audience.


Trek-shooter Premium
Thanks for your input fishing, I suppose maybe I should be a bit patient. I heard somewhere the hop rule is 150! lol
fishing Premium
good question is it the product or something else....I really don't think 92 clicks with out a purchase is all that bad now 1000 hits and no purchases start wondering why....just thinking outloud....