Posts by Trek-shooter 29
Hey everyone, Here is this weeks quote I have chosen Success is sweet: the sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles and defeats.Hope everyone has a fantastic week! Josh x
Hello everybody,First of all I would like to say thank you to everyone who is following me as on my return I have reached over a 100 followers. I hope I can share some knowledge and some laughs with you all!So where has Josh been. Well to be quite honest a lot of things have been distracting me from my online work. The main reason was my screen for my laptop decided to pack up so I had to get this repaired which took over 3 weeks! Whilst my laptop was away it made me realized how much I used the
Hey everyone, Here is my quote of the week which I have now wrote onto my whiteboard and I wanted to share it with the familyI hope everyone has a great working week and archives the goals they have set themselves!"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it"Will be working in the background if anyone needs anything please feel free to shoutJoshx
This was suppose to be posted up on Monday, however for some odd reason it wouldn't post :S so I am back today to try and get it up once again :)This quote comes from the great British prime minster Winston Churchill "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm".Also I just wanted to explain why I have been absence from the WA community for a bit. Well life really has taken over a bit. Helping my mum decorate our house has been on top of that list. It's t
Hey guys,I was suppose to log on Monday but was caught up in some home decorating, Mum want's a few things changed around the house so i've got my hands full at the moment ha. Anyway here is a success quote I want to share with you guys this week. Here's to a successful working weekJoshxBelief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.
June 20, 2012
I don't know if you can see the statistics but yeah 92 hops and no sales. So people are clicking through but not buying. Is this the products fault. Should I change. Anyone know what a good weight loss product is that is good at converting?Thanks Joshx
Hey all,It's Monday, that means the start of the working week! Well for me but maybe some people start their working week on a Sunday but hey were all different. I picked out this quote because it's exactly what's preached here at WA "Action is the foundational key to all success."Action action action. Honestly it is the key and many people here will tell you to take action. Don't wait until tomorrow do it now!ThanksJoshx
Just thought I would share a Success quote with you in fact starting from next week I will post them up as this is what I put on my Whiteboard at the start of each working week."The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will."Have a great dayJoshx
June 06, 2012
Hey Everyone,After a long week and a bit, I have finally got a brand new laptop charger costing me a whooping £9. I haven't got a battery yet but I am using an old on that can still be powered through the new charger I have. Dell wanted £60 so I have made a hell of a saving by shopping on Amazon for one and it works just fine. So it's good to be back, it's only been a week and a bit, but already I can see that a load of stuff has been happening within WA so my plan for to
Hey everyone,I haven't been around lately withing WA simply because my laptop charger and battery have decided to go out on me. Unfortunately for me I will have to buy both and which will probably leave me inactive in my work for a week or so as for me there is no point in using the computer downstairs as it is SLOW AS ANYTHING lol.So that sucks I know after all i've only just started a new niche site :(Just wanted to let you guys know that I am not running away :P And i will be back soo