London Riots

Last Update: August 08, 2011

 Hey everyone

I guess most of you have heard about the riots going on in London at the moment. Well where i live Clapham its crazy. 

Shops being looted, businesses being smashed to bits, its crazy i'm actually speechless at the moment. I'm disgusted i don't know why the goverment has not called in the army. 

Its like a warzone here. I'm afraid to step outside my house god knows how i'm getting to work tomorrow.

This is 5 mins down the road from me. Animals

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jatdebeaune Premium
Very scary. If we don't solve our economic problems fast, I am beyond concern that these looting events will become commonplace. Angry people don't stop to consider who is to blame, they just lash out and these innocent shop keepers suffer. I have to check the news this morning. They may have to declare martial law. That's not good. If our politicians don't figure it out in the US, we'll be facing the same. People are very angry. Just greed and incompetence and a chain reaction.