Maybe it's time to move niche

Last Update: February 28, 2012


Bit on a downer today, I have been running a site in the weightloss niche for nearly a year now in march. It's really getting to me now as I have over a 100 posts, getting over 20 hits a day so and 600 a month and 50 hops but no sales. Is it time to move onto a different niche? I'm just a bit pissed off beacuse I have put so much into it, articles blog post backlinks buying backlink packages my site is sitting at 6 for a keyword that gets over a 1000 searches a month with 63,000 competing pages, it's probably the only reason i'm keeping it going but now because it's only making a few pounds with adsense should I move on????

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jchilders Premium
You're #6 for a decent KW it seems and getting traffic. I wouldn't give up yet. As Musky said, try switching things up a little bit. You are getting hops but no sales...means either the product converts poorly OR it's not the solution for the traffic you are sending. Can you tell from what page the traffic is making the hops from? Maybe that will give you an idea of what the people are looking for.

For instance, they come to your site looking for 'fat loss for summer'. They read your articles/posts whatever and think hey this sounds good and click the link. When they get to the product, it's actually for 'fat loss for a wedding' It's ALMOST what they are looking for but not quite so they bail. Maybe not the greatest example, but hopefully you get the idea. :)
(plus you have some adsense coming in from it right?)

Good luck
muskyblood Premium
Have you tried switching products? Maybe the product you are promoting does not convert well... At this point it will not hurt you test things out, maybe switch products, banner locations and stuff like that. Maybe take a more aggressive approach with more calls to action. I know it is tough when you put all of the time and effort into a site and it does not pan out for you. I have lots of those if it makes you feel any better... Don't let it get you down though, you have worked hard and it just isn't paying off monetarily in this case. I wouldn't ditch the site with that much content though. Maybe start a new site with a fresh attitude and go from there. Try building a mini niche site that does not need so much on site content and focus on your content in the form of articles and guest posts for back links and traffic. That way you get the back links and the traffic. Good luck Trek, hang in there.
Trek-shooter Premium
Thanks Musky, yeah changed products 3 times now, someone told me fat loss 4 idiots is the best converting weight loss product on clickbank I have only just recently changed it to that so maybe I am expecting a bit much. Your right I should do some more testing with more calls to action. Thanks Musky means alot bro!