Posts by Trek-shooter 29
Hey everyone, My last post told you about how I ventured out into the world of promoting a physical product (mini niche site) I have 2 questions that I am pondering over and wondered if anyone in the WA fam can shed some light.  Ok the first one goes by the title - I am sure I saw something along the same lines within WA someone posted. Does this mean I have wasted my time???? I pretty much followed step by step one of the WAbinars that Jay did. And secondly my site is now indexed but i
May 17, 2012
Hey all, Just thought I would blog today as I've been working from 10am this morning and have only just finished here UK time at 9PM Wow it's been a pretty long and productive here's what I have been upto Watched to of Jay's fantastic WAbinars the build a real niche in real time and the follow up from that. Luckily I did watch these 2 WAbinars as I had in my head to dive into the turtle beach headset niche as my two little brothers own them and it gave me the idea to start my
Hey everyone, Just would like some help from the WA family on what my next step would be. So I have decided on starting a new adventure (Site) And instead of promoting the random clickbank product I have decided to venture into the world of physical products. After watching some of Jay's WAbinars here ( I do understand that at the beginning of everyone of his WAbinars he states this is his way of doing things and may not work for you) I have followed up to the point of finding a keyword ( t
Just would like to report to the WA family that a small personal goal has almost been achieved. My main site had 963 visitors for the month of April. Great I am getting a lot of visitors to my site and I said to my self to be looking at a region of 1000 visits a month.  Whilst I should be celebrating such a goal however it's not converting to well both In ad sense and the clickbank product I have placed on their. I do feel like I am letting the fish slip through the net at this
Hey everyone, We all know how important it is for us to take breaks from time to time. So if you have been working hard, give yourself a pat on the back And this guy will give you a laugh ;) It's a great song and a great sales pitch to women :P One pound fish man Enjoy Josh x  
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May 01, 2012
Hey everyone, How are you all today on this big day when WA goes free! I have to say I think this is a fantastic move from our brothers Kyle and Carson! Just goes to show they ain't after peoples hard earned cash and do the runner once your inside! If your new here at WA and reading this a big WELCOME! You have nothing to worry about because unlike the other crap you have come across on your journey through Internet marketing Wealthy Affiliate is THE REAL DEAL! Kyle and Carson are here f
Hey everyone,  Haven't blogged in a while been caught up in football fever over here in the UK. Big game last night Chelsea beating Barcelona :( My poor Barca didn't deserve to lose but ohwell I'm over it now. Anyway's just thought i'd blog about stuff that's been going on. Well since the google slap my site has moved up 2 places to 5th. Getting over 30 visits a day so possibly over a 1000 views a month. Although I'm afraid no sales to report so will probably
  Haha Love this picture classic! Anyway yesterday I went into a panic, I usually start my day of IMing by checking how my site is doing, the usual checks with analytics, adsense comments email subscribers and that. Usually i avaerage around 30 visits a day and yesterday showed only 4.  I knew something was up so i scrambled over to google typed in my keyword, my jaw dropped to the floor. My site had vanished....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what did I do? Well my first thought
April 12, 2012
Hello people, Just wanted to let you guys know what I have been up to today as it's been quite busy I had a 5 am start to do my day Job at which I finished at midday and since then it's been 5 hours straight no breaks of IMing :D  Today i did some keyword research for future articles, and posts for my sites. Read up on some fantastic training material. Gotta say I love the new layout of WA it seems like everyone is now contributing to training which is great. I better chip in
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Yup, I am at that stage although I have whittled it down to 2 but really don't know what to choose. I am thinking of going into the dating niche and promoting the magic of making up, but on the other hand I don't know if clickbank products are doing it anymore :/ they say start with clickbank as it's the easiest program to work with but I have tried 2 sites promoting weight loss and dating and have only made a few sales. So that got me thinking why don't I try and