Posts by Abundantlife 41
April 07, 2010
Because I kinda suck a writing articles. I decided to hire someone to help me with my parallysis. If all works out well I will actually make some coin before my girlfriend and I go to Guatamalla on vacation in June. This is a test for my advertising $. got my tax check back from uncle sam and decided to alocate a portion to the business to give it a boost. We shall see. May the blessings Be
April 07, 2010
After several hrs of struggle I finally figured out what the heck I was doing wrong on site matrix that would not allow me to put in my links and banners. The dam little button on top that has HTML or TEXT??? This little button was the key I missunderstood. I thought that what it SHOWED was the mode I  was in for that cell I was working in. BUZZ!! WRONG!!! It is the opposite. Dam... So now I understand that the button mean change to whatever is showing.  Is it just me
March 30, 2010
I sure am making some good progress on site rubix. Still a little cofused how to make links work the way I want. However I have created several pages and uploaded many pics, and that has worked out great. Soon I will get the rest figured out. And there seems to be lots of folks here that are willing to help. My the Blessings Be 
March 25, 2010
Working with Site Rubix is getting easier. However I am struggling with getting HTML to work correctly. I seem to be missing something or I am just not typing correctly. Donno?? Hopefully I will talk with someone soon that can help me with this issue.   May the Blessings Be 
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March 24, 2010
I have been working steadily on my new website and have made what I  think is an important decission, I am going to Market my brand as Bluestreeek. It will be my goal to get this word to #1 on google in less than a year. I am telling myself I CAN DO IT! Soon Blustreeks Abundand Universe will be live. At my current pace it will likely take me another week. I have been able to get 4+ hrs a week. I think I need 4 to 6 more hrs to get it to the point I want it to start with. Ther
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March 20, 2010
Wow it is really getting hard to devote time to the Business. I just started a  2nd part time job. ( I need the cash flow ) So I am have some difficulty in finding time to work the buisness. I Have been working Traffic exchanges for a little while and the click through has been encouraging, However the conversion to sailes is just not being seen at this time. I am somewhat dissapointed by that. All my free Ad stuff is not showing much in the way of any traffic. Also my a
March 07, 2010
I am slowly working on building a website with site rubix. Seems like  every thing that I am doing is leading back to the need to have a website. I suck at building a website. It just doesn't seem right. Well I am going to  get it done anyway and just put it out there and tweek it later I suppose. Some of the training here comes pretty easy and some of it does not. For me the website is one of those things that is very difficult to master. On a side note I am strati
March 02, 2010
I am working to move forward with my training and my business. In that  I have been studying lots o stuff here. The last couple day I have been going over the Action Plan and working the steps. So now I have a nich I want to exploit and cannot find any affilite programs to cover my nich. Jeez that just kinda sucks. There must be something out there that has an affiliate  program related to motorcycle accessories. May the blessings Be. 
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March 02, 2010
I have been monitoring where my click throughs are coming from. It seems like I am generating the most traffic from my Traffic exchange sites. I find this most interesting. However while the would be looky loos are at least clicking through to check out WA, none are converting (so far). So I am forced to ponder. Are traffic exchanges worth the time required to maintain them? Any one have experiance they wish to share about traffic exchanges? 
February 24, 2010
I am moving foward at least as far as I can see. The numbers of click throughs are slowly growing at WA and RoboForm. For RoboForm my second download finaly made the purchase. That is good I suppose, because that is a 100% sales rate for the downloads. However to be realistic it is hard to get excited when I have driven almost 1000 peopl to the site and only 2 Have downloaded. I really need to figure out the secret to narrowing the feild or creating higher convertions. This is really
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