Posts by Abundantlife 41
February 21, 2010
Yestarday I posted a something new to the how to improve WA forum. Not sure how well I rote it. One person seemed to be confused about the perpose of my post, based on his reply. Well maybe most people here are already masters of their emotions and have total control over their thoughts. I am sure that most everyone in WA feels that they do not need to improve much in the way of their mentle processes. Well I know I need to improve or I would already be a millianaire. Ma
February 18, 2010
I have been actively working the traffic exchange sites regularly. This practice is actually showing consistant traffic to my the sites I am promoting. I am focused on Wealthy affiliates and Roboform. Now I have steady #'s. So while I have been doing this I am also working on my article ideas. It seems to me that I should be able to promote something, I just don't seem to get how to link the articles to my business. I want to write about my passion, Motorcycles. But how 
February 15, 2010
I am learning the article writing and posting lots of free ads, cause I still don't have any Cash for PPC or other paid adverising. I am not seeing the kind of traffic that I would like to see. However I will not give up, I know that that it will happen in time. ( i just wish it would happen faster) May the Blessings Be. 
February 09, 2010
OK I lost the last one I tried to write. So here we go again. This time I will succeed. So where was I, Oh yea... Seems I was trying to explain the haps for the last few days. Reading an incredible amount of info in this site and related training links.. This has got to be the best training site I have ever seen. Better Step by Step instructions than I have ever been able to find, Cool! Then I find that most of the Guru's that created these instructions have got the same info on there personal
February 09, 2010
Dammmit!! This forum has cool tools that I am having such a hard frigging time figguring out how to use. I JUST LOST a bunch of work. Dammit, Dammit, Dammit. Deep Breath,,, in.....OUT! ok felling better. now I will try it again. 
February 05, 2010
Well my first lens was some what of a dud. Thats ok because I have learned a few things. Mainly what I need to learn more about. How to ad graffics and upload pictures.. Understaning how to research key words is a big priority. I did find a cool key word tool thanks to KlRrider. And I will need to practice  using it for a while till I get the hang of things. It seems like an awsome  piece of software. Not sure I like the misleading claims ofthe origianal makers
January 30, 2010
I finished the draft of my first lens. I am finding it difficult to load pictures. I keep getting an error. I want to get opinions of it so I can edit mistakes and put in better content, however I think I will just submit it and see if what I ahve done works and ask some folk to provide some insite to ways I can improve it. We got our first snow were I live in SC last night and continuing through this day. Looks nice, I don't think it will last long though. Ever learning, and looking for momen
1 comment
January 29, 2010
Wow, I am amazed at how fast my buddy list is growing. I am currious how big it will get in a few weeks. I sure do appriciate the welcomes from all of my new buddies. I hope to learn from all of them and prossper as well. May the flees of a thousand camells infest the armpits of the ney sayers and the negitive thinkers. ( well maybe thats mean ) LOL 
1 comment
January 28, 2010
My determination continues to build. I was fortunate enough to have spent 1.5 hrs chatting and brainstorming with Liam McCauley. A very successful marketer that lives 30min drive from me. Yea.. Thanks Liam. It was a bit comforting to here him say that the things I am doing are on the right track. I need to learn to sharppen the blade a little more and see if I can get a bit closer to center target. So I am back at it for a little while before I need to go to work. I have most of the copy wr
January 27, 2010
By now it is 2:30 am EST for me and have spent the last couple hrs  trying to digest the biginins of wisdom I am exhausted. I must say many thanks to Jennifer (PotPie) sorry forgot the rest of it. It has been an exillerating evening. Cant wait to get rested so I can advance some  more.