Posts by Andys43us 9
May 08, 2012
Hey guys. I have 14 days left in my WA subscription. Since I don't use the services here anymore, I don't really see the point in continuing my subscription. WA gave me the head start in internet marketing and I will forever be grateful for that. Since then, I've sustained a 5 figure per month business and have changed my life significantly. I've made some great friends here at WA whom I will never forget. I think I joined WA on Jan 2010 and made my first $$ in Feb 2010. Si
That's right. And that's 74000 EXACT  searches by the way. And the keyword is *drumroll please*  "asdasd" I guess a lot of people just randomly search it to see if their internet is working. The websites on the front page have absolutely nothing on them. So, if you are looking for some free random traffic, try building a site on the keyword. You can probably monetize it with adsense.
Hey WA, Today I stumbled upon a remarkable story of a girl who made it in the IM world even after she was practically doomed to failure on the internet. This girl named Ladan Lashkari lives in Iran. Which pretty makes her handicapped on the internet world because of the many reasons.  - English is her second language - She  CANNOT get a credit card - She CANNOT get a paypal account - She CANNOT cash USD checks - She CANNOT receive wire transfer - She CANNOT get a merchant account - She
December 24, 2010
Hey WA,  Just stopping by to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! -Andy
1 comment
I bought a domain almost a month back and started working on it. Adding content, building backlinks, you know normal stuff. Interestingly enough, the website is ranking no. 2 on Yahoo for its keyword  but as of today, it is not indexed in Google. I checked the backlinks using the yahoo tool and saw that some of the links were built over a year ago. I am guessing the past owner of the domain did some really nasty stuff on this domain and now Google has deindexed it, which means I won’t ev
Black, Grey and White are all dull colors. And they happen to be associated with Internet Marketing. They are all different type of SEO. Now for a newbie, it might be very confusing at first what decides what type of SEO it is. I never heard of the term “Black Hat” until about my 2nd month in this internet marketing adventure. I remember stumbling upon this forum called “Black Hat World” while searching for information on SEO. The tag line of the forum says “Once you do Black, you neve
Procrastination has been my arch enemy ever since I started IM. Come to think about it, it was my arch enemy ever since I had to do something. Going to school, college, assignments, studying for tests. You name it and I procrastinated it. Until I started doing something real, I never gave any thought to this buddy of mine, because I never used to give a damn about my productivity before I started IM. But now, I realize how hard it is to actually succeed in something unless you have good time man
Hi guys, I have been here for more than 3 months. When I  joined WA, I read everything in the first 7 days, and started my own website on 1st Feb. I just checked my clickbank account for how much money I made and here are the stats for the first 3 months. Feb - I made $40 worth of sales. March - I made $28 worth of sales. April - $158 worth of sales. (I might sneak in a sale or two before April runs out, so keeping my fingers crossed) So as you can see I am improving. All the sales came
March 20, 2010
The amount of time that I spend on the internet is truly amazing. I am probably on the internet for atleast 12 hours a day. Hey, I am an IM. But exactly how much of that time am I doing something that will help me make money? The internet has a lot of distractions, and somehow I am always looking for distractions. It's probably because I have been procrastinating a lot. If I was given a dime for every minute I waste while I should be working to make money; I will be already be a successful IM.