Leaving WA

Last Update: May 08, 2012

Hey guys. I have 14 days left in my WA subscription. Since I don't use the services here anymore, I don't really see the point in continuing my subscription.

WA gave me the head start in internet marketing and I will forever be grateful for that. Since then, I've sustained a 5 figure per month business and have changed my life significantly. I've made some great friends here at WA whom I will never forget.

I think I joined WA on Jan 2010 and made my first $$ in Feb 2010. Since then, it's been a roller coaster ride. Sadly, I've reached a stage in my career where the training and the tools in WA don't help my business much. I know I haven't been very active here either.

I will log in to WA everyday for the next 14 days to see what's happening. I sincerely hope that everyone here at WA reaches the same level of success (and hopefully more) that I have. But I know it will not be the case. Because a lot of people joined WA with me and I know a lot of them have quit on their dream of the internet lifestyle and gone back to their old life.

The fact is, not everyone is built for this. It just depends on how badly you want it. And to what extent are you ready to go for it. If you want success in IM bad enough, you will get it. If not, then I am sure you will find success in something else. Life is full of opportunities, you just need to keep your eyes open.

Anyone who would like to stay in touch with me can PM me their email,facebook,skype etc. and I'll add them.




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TJ Books Premium
Good Luck, Andy! John
BIS Premium
Andy - The very best of luck for the future and wishing you continued success. It's nice to hear of a success story
Deezdz Premium
Very inspiring post Andy. Wishing you continued success and all the best! :)
You have a great success story, thanks for sharing all you have with those who are not quite there yet. May your future be bright and keep up the good work.!
kyle Premium Plus
I wish you all the best in your business ventures and hope you can find your way back to WA in the future. I do thank you for the time you have spent here and the involvement within the community.

To your continued success!
