Think IM is too tough for you? Think Again..

Last Update: April 20, 2011

Hey WA,

Today I stumbled upon a remarkable story of a girl who made it in the IM world even after she was practically doomed to failure on the internet.

This girl named Ladan Lashkari lives in Iran. Which pretty makes her handicapped on the internet world because of the many reasons.

 - English is her second language

- She  CANNOT get a credit card

- She CANNOT get a paypal account

- She CANNOT cash USD checks

- She CANNOT receive wire transfer

- She CANNOT get a merchant account

- She CANNOT travel because she can't get a visa in her country.

When she was starting off, she had to struggle because ignorant idiots of the internet world would think she is a terrorist and would send her hate mails and belittle her on the forums.

So, if you think this IM world is too tough for you, you better think again. Compared to her, you are starting off with a bazooka in your hand while riding on a dinosaur. Besides, you guys have the Yoda's of IM world teaching you here at WA. If you think you are handicapped because you started late and the competition is too tough, think of this girl and all the crap she had to go through to make it in the IM world.

Here is a link to an article which describes her situation. Click on her picture below to read an article about her kick ass accomplishments.

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rocktivity Premium
I'd give her a piece of gold if she were a WA member. Maye she could become an honorary one!
burntout Premium
Tough to imagine beating those odds. A great story. Thanks
jdonn Premium
Thank you for sharing that wonderful story....truly amazing!
jatdebeaune Premium
What an inspirational story. I'm in awe! Even though I have advantages you mention above, I feel the weariness of the uninitiated around me, family and friends who don't understand how and why I'm doing this and it's heavy at times. You really have to be self motivated and self determining. Not an easy path for anyone. Laden, you go girl!
Jamie Smith Premium
this blog is great, and her hustle is tight.