Something interesting that I want to share

Last Update: August 08, 2010

I bought a domain almost a month back and started working on it. Adding content, building backlinks, you know normal stuff.

Interestingly enough, the website is ranking no. 2 on Yahoo for its keyword  but as of today, it is not indexed in Google. I checked the backlinks using the yahoo tool and saw that some of the links were built over a year ago.

I am guessing the past owner of the domain did some really nasty stuff on this domain and now Google has deindexed it, which means I won’t ever get any traffic from Google.

Luckily, Google thought of this situation before and already created a solution for this.

I just had to log on to my Google webmasters account. Add the website in my account. And then send the website for re-consideration.  I explained them what happened.

Someone from Google will look into this and hopefully put my site back in the Search Engines. But it will take several weeks for them to reply. :(

Let’s see how this works out.


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klrrider Premium
Submit to AboutUs... Google likes them and crawls there daily. They have a feature that will analyzed your site... get everything green and good. Be sure your site-map is submitted to Webmaster tools... but you probably already know that...
erussell Premium
It's possible that your site might be indexed again, but don't expect a miracle. It's a good thing you have other sites to work on :)
andys43us Premium
I don't think there is any way to expedite it. I have plenty of other websites to work on until then, so I am cool with it. It's sort of a relief that I have one less website to worry about for the next few weeks.
jatdebeaune Premium
Boy Andy, that's a bummer. Well, at least there's a remedy. Can't they expedite it? Call a Google representative.