Posts by ARBie 17
July 31, 2010
This is going to be short. I'm off on new adventures and am leaving WA. I'm sorry I didn't get to all the requests for my opinion but I've got just so much time. I enjoyed helping where I could. I've enjoyed all the comments and messages. Even though I wasn't able to answer all of them.  I leave you all with 3 things 1. DECIDE: This is your greatest gift. Decide your path and make it clear. 2. COMMIT: A committed person has no choice but to use their path to succeed. 3. ACT: Take MASSIVE a
July 29, 2010
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T.Harv Eker has been my inspiration since 2006. I have read this book over 1000 times. I read from it or if I have some real free time I read the whole thing nearly every day of the week. I would suggest that anyone who desires to be wealthy should join me in my dedication to this book. This book delves into the mindset of people who are rich and who aren't. He has nailed it I believe. Your beliefs, your fears and your actions are all defined in this book. If y
July 25, 2010
This will be my final week at WA. No, I'm not broke or can't afford it. The fact is I never needed WA. I've made out OK learning on my own. I really don't see how my contributions are either needed or appreciated so I am moving on. I DECIDED to retire at the age of 51 this past June. My original plans were to retire at  55 but I DECIDED two and a half years ago to make it happen before my  52nd birthday which is next month. I Decided to quit my job if I could make 150k doing Internet
July 23, 2010
I admit I'm a readaholic. I have over 3,000 books. Most are non-fiction and are informational. I buy most of these books at thrift shops, yard sales and annual book sales. Its amazing what you can find out there if you look. Yesterday I found books on raising ferrets, cockatiels, numerous diets new and old, raising kids, treating cholesterol, diabetes, how to write., marketing, fixing cars, fixing plumbing and a lot of other subjects. You can find professional books like medicine, law, accountin
I never said Black Hat SEO was illegal. I have said it is unethical and many websites on the internet agree with that including ALL the search engines. Now it is not all that uncommon for search engines to punish sites whose rank suddenly and artificially climb for no apparent reason. You can get banned completely or at minimum lose your ranking. Once you are tagged for using these techniques it is very hard to climb back up. The search engines imply, as do I, that using Black Hat SEO methods is
I was Instant Messaged tonight and told that 90% of IMers have no problem with Gray Hat SEO methods. Sad. If true...I'm not sure I want to call myself an Internet Marketer.
I think its about time that Wealthy Affiliate had a Terms of Service (TOS). There are Wealthy Affiliates, Intermediate Affiliates, Juniors and everyone else in between  that are promoting Black Hat SEO software, websites, practices.  There are several pieces of software being promoted out there that require you to enter your ID and password for all your social bookmarking accounts. This is a violation of most of the TOSs of the bookmarking accounts.  There is nothing wrong with
Folks don't confuse putting up an ADSENSE site with bidding on CPC Adwords. There are those here that think you should not go after higher paying clicks from adsense because the competition is too high. With Adsense you get Paid for clicks... With Adwords you are Paying for clicks... Now most here do article marketing and you are taught to find low competition words related to the item you are promoting. This is correct. ...I'm not going to go again about SEO stuff you all just need to learn it.
July 15, 2010
Catchy title huh? I still remember seeing a small ad in a Sunday Newspaper Magazine back in the late 60's or early 70's with that title. Of course I had to read it. When I read it, it was all about this guy who moved into a house with a badly stained toilet. The ad was about how he used a certain cleanser to get rid of the stains. The head in the toilet of course was his.  Even though I'm showing my age here...I have never forgot that ad. I can't remember any other ads in that magazine or
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This might be too deep for some of you but here goes: This is from a very old book I have.   Those who live in the past have but one path to follow. For what was, is written in stone. That path no matter its twists and turns can only lead to one place and that one place is NOW but NOW  carries no solace who's mind lives in the past. For those who live for the future their path is just as narrow. Their vision for what may be in time, is shackled by the demands of bosses, kings (governm