aRBies Saying For the Day #3

Last Update: July 13, 2010

This might be too deep for some of you but here goes: This is from a very old book I have.


Those who live in the past have but one path to follow. For what was, is written in stone. That path no matter its twists and turns can only lead to one place and that one place is NOW but NOW  carries no solace who's mind lives in the past.

For those who live for the future their path is just as narrow. Their vision for what may be in time, is shackled by the demands of bosses, kings (government), and family. Their Now is controlled by fear, that their vision will not be.

For those who live in the NOW their paths are wide and infinite. The past does not confound them and the future is insignificant.  Those who live in the NOW can change their path at will. If one way seems in error then another path will do.  By living in the NOW one can watch an oak tree grow you can stop and smell the flowers or go where you might go.

All three pilgrims I've told you here  are on a journey known as-HOW?  But only one of them knows deep down inside, the ONLY TIME THEY HAVE... IS NOW.


Good Night Everybody

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Penelope Premium
Thanks, I need that!
Great post,
moonvine Premium
Powerful wisdom. Thank you!
jatdebeaune Premium
Beautiful. Thank you.
andys43us Premium
Thanks for sharing the wisdom.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers for sharing yet another great blog, keep 'em coming!