My Final Goodbye

Last Update: July 31, 2010

This is going to be short. I'm off on new adventures and am leaving WA.

I'm sorry I didn't get to all the requests for my opinion but I've got just so much time.

I enjoyed helping where I could. I've enjoyed all the comments and messages. Even though I wasn't able to answer all of them.  I leave you all with 3 things

1. DECIDE: This is your greatest gift. Decide your path and make it clear.

2. COMMIT: A committed person has no choice but to use their path to succeed.

3. ACT: Take MASSIVE action. Keep moving forward. Only you can decide to step backwards.  If you step backwards it means you were never committed to the path you decided on.

Thanks to All, Good Luck and...Goodbye.

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I've enjoyed your posts. With the way you write, you shouldn't have any problems. Rootin' for you!
maureenhannan Premium
Best wishes, aRBie!
Louise M. Premium
Wish you the best!!!! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
All the best aRBie.
NEA03 Premium
Bye. Have fun on your new adventures, we'll miss ya.