Man Finds Head in Toilet

Last Update: July 15, 2010

Catchy title huh?

I still remember seeing a small ad in a Sunday Newspaper Magazine back in the late 60's or early 70's with that title. Of course I had to read it.

When I read it, it was all about this guy who moved into a house with a badly stained toilet. The ad was about how he used a certain cleanser to get rid of the stains. The head in the toilet of course was his. 

Even though I'm showing my age here...I have never forgot that ad. I can't remember any other ads in that magazine or the millions of other ads I've read since. 

This is a Sticky Title...Its a title that compels a person  to Have to Read it. Its the kind of title that a person will send a link to.

When you write articles, posts etc. Always  have compelling titles. This can turn a browser into a buyer and an article into a winner.

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iFaith Premium
Compelling indeed. I bet that toilet cleaner/cleanser got branded and with lots of buyers. Good old offline ads have such compelling ad titles that can be modeled just as well for IM.