Build a Local Blog or Website

Last Update: July 13, 2010

Now is a good time to build a LOCAL blog or Website. That's right something only for the 200,000 or however many people live in your city, county, or community.

July is winding down. Soon people will be coming off vacation, getting ready to buy those back to school clothes, students going to college, going back to church, another holiday, Labor day is coming as well as halloween. Did you know that online halloween is a 5 BILLION dollar business!

Advertising your blog in your local area is much easier than advertising a blog on the internet. If everyone in your community is going to your blog to find the latest news on concerts, plays, shin-digs, bake sales and gospel singings then it doesn't matter if your blog is on page 3,000 of google you will get plenty of traffic. But by all means optimize your site for your local area, its easier than you think. Try it in google and explore the possibilities.

Now, can any of you that read this figure out how to make money with this?

Here are a few tips...Have pages with local:

Restaurants, Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Oil Change places, This kinda store, that kinda store, on and on and on. USE YOUR YELLOW PAGES.

Get 300 businesses in your town or county to pay you $30 a month and Give them A full page of Advertising....let's see....300 X $30 = $9,000 a month! Kinda like a continuity site huh? So you have a list of Restaurants on one page a person sees one they want to check out click on it and the restaurants entire menu comes up with instructions on how to get there and maybe a little history.

Now how else can you monetize it? Oh maybe car ads, real estate for sale ads, garage sale ads, lost and found ads, help wanted ads, again, on and on. Now lets talk about those college students, think they might need calculators, text books, clothing, etc? The church going people might need communion dresses, bibles, jewelry, etc.

Think you could sell things through affiliate links? Have a recipe page and you can put cookbooks, cutlery, pots and pans, Grilling machines, and everything else you can imagine. Amazon would be good for this. Also there is nothing to say that on your pages you couldn't put adsense, and cpa offers. You have a ready made audience. Market to them.

Now if you need content there are lots of people in and around that will be willing to send content and information by email, fax and phone. You will have the GO TO site for in and around your area.

I live in a town with a University...and a rather famous football team. On my site I have hotel and motel reservation ads, coupons for local businesses, golf and recreation in the area. My site is not as extensive as I'm alluding to here but I could do it if I wanted to.

This kind  of site alone can make you a six figure income. It is a little more labor intensive but it is actually easier to start and monetize than a lot of IM methods. Once you have it going well you can hire people to do the day to day goings on.

Have a few boxes of business cards made up and pass them out everywhere and a few hundred flyers at the local Staples won't cost much.  Pass those out and your advertising for your site is about done. It won't take long before everyone in town will know where to go to find out what's going on around town. Don't forget Craig's list if your city has one.

Check your local town out on Google. You will be surprise to find that few towns actually have a GOTO site.  There will be some but not a one source site for the entire area.You can be the first.

I admit this works better in a rural or small metro area than a large city.

Think about the possibilities and all the LOCAL niches there are. The best part about this is you can thumb your nose at Google.

By the way...if this sounds like a city Portal site...your right.




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jatdebeaune Premium
aRBie, You are one clever dude! Great idea! Way easier than what I have been doing and would probably work better. Less competition, hungrier audience. Could work in tandem too.