About AZ 786
Joined October 2009
Hi there all,

I have finally done it. After 15 years I have exited what was turning out to be a dead end and dreary corporate career. It wasn't all that terrible though - I would touch six figures in my compensation which was nice and health care was cheap. But I was mentally suffocated and felt like I was selling my soul.

I also just finished writing my first book which is terribly exciting and invigorating. Its in editorial review right now and God willing I plan to publish it in 1st quarter of 2010. So here I am at WA - in the world of IM there's many a slip between the cup and the lip but these guys seem to be doing something right and more honest than most. I plan to give it a world and if there is a way to make serious money here than I plan to find out how.

I love to learn new things, think through challenges and put action to idea. I have been blessed with a loving family (wife & three kids) and hopefully make some great friends here too.

Where we go from here, we shall see.....
AZ 786's Accomplishments

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Skybound Premium
We joined WA on the same day so I thought I'd say hi and wish you well.
TJ Books Premium
Welcome! Schedule your work and work your schedule. John
music_mom30 Premium
AZ 786 Premium
HEY!!!!!!!!! I need a buddy....and then lots of buddies
....and then some who can help me make money :)
AZ 786 Premium
Hey! I need a buddy....and then some more buddies!!!

Well, its great to be here for a start.