
Last Update: October 09, 2009

Vitality! AAAAHHHH!!! Its like....paradise. Like everlasting youth - fresh water springs or wings on your back. Vitality is living. Its learning, gaining knowledge, progressing and achieving palpable goals. It is fulfillment and it is the reason that I am here. I must...we all must...learn to think vitally. And that will mean a different gait for all of us. While somethings are universal others are individualistic.

 I already feel a touch of vitality here with all the knowledge I am gaining with the ACTION PLAN. I like the aspirations and spirits of many of the folk that I am budding. I do not plan to race through this. I do not have short term money spinning goals. Somethings are for racing and then there is a time to race. For a while I will explore and force an open mind before I seek to firm it and start closing on a plan. That may work or it may not. And also, keep an open mind if this in itself is the right thing for me or not. As a great and successful luminary once said.......failures are inevitable - the key to failing is to fail quickly and move on to the next step or act or whatever...

Anyway, enough philosophy. This is a time to learn and then there will be a time to conduct business. I would like to add that the ACTION PLAN is well written and conducive to learning.  It moves well. It is honest and to the point. I like it.



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Garrd Premium
WOW it looks as if you already have the writing down your flow is great and your excitement is well spoken, continue to keep your eyes forward and don't look back. Failure is learning in reverse, and that is not the way to go forward, no one goes forward looking back.

To your success
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