Alive and Kicking

Last Update: January 28, 2010

Hi Everyone,

 I'm still here, alive, and I guess kicking too. After three months of  signing on with WA, I haven't sold a penny as yet, but I'm more invigorated than ever. In the past two months, I was immersed in a coast-to-coast move and my book project which was finally submitted to the publisher. The release date is targeted for April 15, 2010. I had no time to dedicate to WA. But, I think I can still tie it up together.

Now, here is the fun part: all new authors pretty much bear the burden of marketing their books and no publisher these days takes the risk of flooding bookstores with copies of a book by an unknown author. Thus, the main engine of promotion and marketing is the internet. So, there is much learning and work for me to be done here on WA.

I plan to stay on course but deviate too. I want to learn as much as possible here and put all my marketing efforts behind the book.

Gotta make it work! Its gonna be sink or swim pretty soon; in any case, there's gonna be a lot of kicking.



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