
Last Update: October 14, 2009

OOOOOkayyy . . .so, I've been here about just over a week now and I have been reading, reading and reading. Reading the ACTION PLAN. Reading stuff on the FORUMS. Reading GETTING STARTED guides on Clickbank, Linkshare, Squidoo and Ezine. I read 'Beating Adwords' which is well laid out and informative. And reading more stuff still. Just let it all pour and wash through.

 I have, THANK GOD, started to form some notion of what my starting framework could look like. But wait - I'm not done reading and pouring. I feel its easy to get caught up in all the success stories and push yourself to move out the door too quickly. Even if I take the trade-off of moving later yet with a better idea that could stick I still expect overhauls and re-dos.

 I do know that I am going to center around Article Marketing (since I fancy myself as a writer, its a natural draw). Its also free and effective (depending on your skill). And its a channel that would require not as much expertise as SOE or PPC. On the flip side, every Tom, Dick and Harry is trying it out. An interesting point to note is that not all of the top articles are seeking to be informative; some are generating interesting debate. Also interesting is that not all products on the pages are directly related to the topic. I would also like my article writing to aggregate in a blog. So, it looks like my first order of business will be to acquire the requisite technical expertise in building good lenses and a blog with tactical leverage in areas like 'keywords' and SOE. Another tactical platform to explore and learn is how to leverage social networking sites like 'delicious' and 'digg' and forums too. At some point later, I will look into building a website.

So far I am square with my pace. Its not hurried and yet not ambled. I don't feel over-stretched and yet not light.  I need to now start putting some plan to paper with target dates on the areas I need to conquer before I can finally take to sea which I expect at this point to be in 2 - 3 weeks.

 Any advice from ma buddies would appreciate it.

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