
Last Update: December 01, 2009


 The initial euphoria is over for me. I can now see that this will take much more time that I thought. I will have to restate my goals. Unfortunately, I have been able to dedicate very little time as my planned book is approaching crunch time with manuscript submission into the publication process. In a month I will know if this baby get to fly or not. But, I plan on sticking here and paying even without a return for the moment as I do plan to make this a success. Failure is not an option.

 In the meanwhile I keep planning on writing a few articles here and there, create blog landing pages and  refine my keyword skills.

I'm alive and silently kicking for now.

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sox1n05 Premium
That's the mindset it takes to make this work. It can be hard when balancing everything else we have going on in our lives. dedication though is what makes this work!